Wish To Be Her

He’d never had luck with women. Never knew how to talk to them and when he did manage to get them home, their encounters were fast and less than satisfactory. He was desperate for a change.

But he didn’t know if this was the change he wanted, the change he needed. One quick slip of the tongue and he’d wished himself into a new body.

A female body.

Could he make it through the night? Could he find what it was that he was looking for? Or would he find in the end that life in the body of a beautiful woman was just far more exciting than he could have ever dreamed?


I should have said no.

In the darkness of the car I sat in the backseat, my blonde boy sitting across from me. We kept out distance from each other like two nervous kids on a first date but we didn’t have the luxury of space for long.

The memory of his lips on mine played out over and over in my mind. The feel of him forcefully kissing me making my body respond. Making my nipples hard. Making my abs tense. Making me wet.

I kept my eyes forward, watching the road ahead of us as we pulled our way slowly through the quiet streets of downtown.

What had I done? What was I doing? What was I going to do?

Where was I going?

I was a man. I kept repeating that to myself like it was a ritual or the words of a spell. I was a man. I was a man. I was a man.

And then it registered with me, the fact that I used the word ‘was’.

I knew then that I had already made up my mind.

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