REVE.ink is Publishing Redefined for the Digital Age.

Nowadays getting a book out there is about more than just writing it. Writers must become publishers, designers, and marketers. They must build a brand and build a fan base on their own without the help and assistance of a traditional brick and mortar publishing house.

This requires resources to build and design covers, content, marketing packages, advertisements, and even websites. All of that requires a varied skill set that new writers must learn, and what was once done by a team of professionals must now be accomplished by a team of one.

But that doesn’t have to be the case.

By collaborating and working together in a collective writers can share resources and tips to design better books and reach greater audiences. Together we can be more than we ever were apart.

REVE.ink is the formal creation of a collaboration that has existed behind the scenes for years. The writers under REVE.ink have been working together for a long time, helping each other when necessary.

As a reader and fan of one of these authors nothing will change for you. They will be producing the same high quality content that you are used to, and that content will be on offer in much the same way that it always has been.

But you will also see more and newer work, including collaborations between our writers and even free offerings and bonuses for our loyal readers.

We are excited about the opportunities that REVE.ink offers for the modern day author and are looking forward to the bright future ahead.

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