Everything changed overnight. A sweeping epidemic that made it so clothing was no longer an option. A whole world bared.

The world was forced to shift, legislation passed in an emergency session to make it so that clothing was no longer a necessity anywhere. Imagine a world waking up and having to live their lives without anything covering them. Nothing was the same.

Not least because the changes didn’t stop at just skin deep. Sensitive skin meant sensitive nerves, and sensitive nerves meant that pleasure could be nearly overwhelming. Overwhelming and absolutely necessary.

A world without clothing. A world without restrictions. A world where anyone could have anyone anywhere they wanted.

Bodies coming together in the streets. Seeking pleasures out in the open where anyone can watch. A world where everyone wants to indulge.

My story isn’t unique. There are so many others just like me who learned to love it and crave it. Who learned to need to be exposed.


By the time I got home that night I was a bundle of nerves and excitement, all wrapped up with a pretty and tight bow of white-hot need.

I pushed my way into my apartment, my breath coming ragged in my chest as I closed and locked the door behind me. I’d worked a full shift and the trip home had not been easy.

I wasn’t the only one who was far more comfortable being naked. People had lost the subtlety of surreptitiously checking people out. Guys and girls alike were being blatant.

They were staring, looking people up and down. Admiring the curves and flats.

The number of hard cocks I’d seen on my way home, it made my sex throb with need just thinking about it. I was flush with excitement and more than a little embarrassment, my body aching for a release that surprised me. Before the shift, I’d never really had a high sex drive, and afterward I wasn’t sure whether it was a symptom of the epidemic or whether it was a side effect of being surrounded by so many naked bodies that made me need to get off so badly.

Like so many others experiencing the same thing as I did, I would soon find my answer.

My skin felt like it was on fire and I had a slight sheen of sweat on my skin from the excitement and exertion. There was a throbbing deep inside of me and I was practically gasping as I made my way into the shower and switched it on.

The feel of water brushing against my skin made me gasp. Drumming over me like and building a heat in my body that was almost overpowering.

I pressed my palm against the cool wall of the shower, bracing myself as my other hand slipped between my thighs to touch me.

From the moment I brushed against my sex, I knew something was different.

It was so unbelievably powerful. Damn near overwhelming. The lightest feather touch on my skin was enough to send tremors through my body, making me rock back and forth with pleasure. The whole world was spinning around me, and in a matter of moments I had chased myself to a climax.

A climax so powerful that it made me scream out in pleasure. I sunk to the floor of my shower, curling up in a ball as the waves ran through me. It felt like my skin was on fire, as overwhelming as if I was wearing clothing and yet the opposite feeling at the same time. It was pleasure and light pure and simple, something that made me shake and tremble on the floor of the shower, that made me gasp and rock with the pleasure of it.

And I wasn’t done yet.

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