Sissy Under The Mistletoe

Ever since I can remember I’ve felt incomplete. I’ve felt like I was missing a piece of the puzzle of my life.

Coming home for the holidays should have been great and finding out my two best friends were together should have made me so happy but it didn’t. I felt more alone than I had in years. I felt betrayed. I felt broken.

And then a chance switch under the mistletoe and I got to see the world from a whole new perspective.

I got to see it through her eyes. I got to see what it was like to be a woman. I got to understand what she desired.

To be with him. To feel his hard body on mine. To feel his firm touch building the pleasure inside of me.

It woke something in me that I cannot ignore.


I don’t know which of the two of us made the first move but I know that it was him on top of me. His bulk pressing me down to the couch and holding me. His hands exploring my body and running up and under the hem of my dress.

There was a thrill that ran through my body, so unlike any thrill I had ever experienced before.

This felt so right, the musk of his manly scent and the insistent pressure of his hard and firm body imposing itself on me and making me moan and tremble in response.

I felt my body, her body, responding to him. Her breath drew hard and ragged, shuddering as she pressed her body against his and felt his hands search over the familiar curves of her.

I reached out with her hands and touched him, pressing my fingers against the firm and wide flats of his pecs and feeling him tense and growl in response to me. I tugged at his clothing, pulling his shirt off and gasping at the sight of his bare chest.

God, he was gorgeous. My body ached for his hardness and the firmness of his muscular form. The rigid bulges of his abdomen and the perfection that was the lines just above his belt.

Moving down I slipped out of his arms with a giggle and pressed myself insistently forward and between his legs. I tugged at his belt and his pants, biting my lip as I looked up at him staring down at me with an affection in his eyes that was edged with desire. He wanted me.

His woman.

When his cock tumbled forward I couldn’t help but gasp. He was so big, so throbbingly thick and long and so absolutely delicious looking,. The bulging head of his cock pulsed in front of my eyes and I felt my mouth ache for him, that hollow feeling at the top of my throat as I craved the taste of him filling up my mouth.

I ducked forward to take him between my lips, feeling him fill my mouth up and pulse inside of me.

My lips stretched around him as my tongue grew numb with the salty slickness of his precum. Familiar patterns etched into my mind as I dug deep and pushed forward, taking more and more of him into me.

This was something that Lizzie had done before. Countless nights in their dorm room spent wrapped up in the passion of each other’s bodies had given her an intimate familiarity with the quirks and joys of this cock. I sat there as a passenger, enjoying the thrill of her knowledge as Ryan responded to her touch.

Pushing up against her. Throbbing inside of her. Moaning and touching her hair lightly, caressing it as he looked down at her with love.

And inside of her I felt a pounding desire and need that throbbed in a place deep in the belly of her. This was the appetizer to the feast of their passions, and neither of them would be satisfied with a mere taste. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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