Body Swap In The Gym

I have a lot of things in life: money, power, and influence. The one thing I’ve never had is the body I want, a body that makes people envious. A body that makes people want me.

For the past two months I’ve been working side by side with Chris, my trainer. He’s been in charge of my exercise and my diet, and each and every day I’ve been exhausted by him with nothing to show for it.

I’m not the sort of man who likes to take shortcuts, but at a certain point it starts to become desperate.

The pill was supposed to give me a new body, a fit body, and it’s done that and more. It’s turned me into someone else, someone beautiful and hard. It’s made me a woman and given me the one thing I’ve always wanted, a body that makes people want me.

I just never imagined it would be him that wants me, or that I would crave his touch as well.


Is this permanent?” he asked me.

I shrugged, “Not sure. Truth be told I don’t know what happens next to this.”

It’s quite a change,” he said, his hand reaching out of me and then pulling back. I felt a throbbing ache in me, my body begging for his touch, “Are you… all woman?”

I think so,” I said, “I felt… I have breasts and I looked and it looks like I have a… but I didn’t actually feel it to see.”

Oh,” he replied, “Wow.”

He was so close to me now, and I could feel the power of his body and the power of the moment washing over me. I swallowed hard, turning my eyes up to look at him and whispering a phrase so quiet even he couldn’t hear it.

What was that?” he asked, and my reply was so loud that it made me jump a bit.

Will you check?”

I blushed hard at that, and that blush grew deeper at the sight of his eyes going wide at the prospect.

It’s just I’m hesitant,” I justified, “I just don’t know if I can bring myself to do this and I know that I need to check and I can’t… I can’t… Can you check for me?”

I watched as his hands reached out for me. As his fingers grasped the fabric of my sweater and shirt while we both held our breath and watched with rapt anticipation while he drew it up my body. I moved to help him, lifting my hands above my head and then letting the fabric slip over my head and fall off to one side.

He took me in, staring down at my body without saying a word. I watched his face instead of looking at myself. I watched him reach out for me as his hands moved to grasp my shoulders and turn me to face the mirror.

And the reflection in my eyes spoke of the truth, the breasts on my firm and feminine body perky and capped with delightfully pink nipples. My entire torso and arms had defined muscularity, not bulky but not weighted down with fat, stripped down so that the slightest softness was there to remind myself of my feminine physique without weighing me down with unnecessary bulk.

I watched my body tense and relax, unconsciously posing for both of us and admiring the ripples and definition in my form. And then I watched Chris step up behind me in the mirror, his breath hot on the back of my neck as he reached around my trim waist to grasp the waistband of my pants and tug it downward.

He unveiled me, making it perfectly clear that my cock was now gone and in its place was a delicate and delightful slit. He pushed my pants off and they slid easily as I stepped out of the mountains of cloth and pushed them off to the side. I was fully naked and standing in front of him, my muscular new body on full display to both of us.

I guess,” I replied quietly, “I guess the changes are full.”

Are they?” he asked me, his hand reaching down to cup the mound between my legs, “Is this… Will it fit?” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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