Ever since the event the world has been different, people have been different. But then a world where everyone is allergic to clothing is bound to make some changes in people.

I had accepted that the world was new and different, but just because we couldn’t wear clothes now it didn’t mean we had to go crazy with it. Sure physical desire was legal in public now, but just because you could do something didn’t mean that you had to do it.

But then we came here.

A theme park designed to cater to your every need and desire. A theme park dedicated to the pleasures of the flesh. A theme park where fun and fantasy were perfectly intertwined.

I understand it now, that desire and need. I understand the urge to expose and be exposed. The urge to seek out pleasure with anyone and everyone.

I want everyone to see the new me.


My hands gripped into the pommel of the saddle in front of me and I clenched my eyes shut, squeezing my thighs together to try to keep from losing my sense of self-control as the pleasure pounded into me. The saddle shifted and began to buck and move, making me rise and fall like I was riding a mechanical bull.

From somewhere far away I heard Mike talking to me, asking me if I was alright. I heard the words but they were wispy and insubstantial, not nearly enough for me to ever hold onto or remember.

I’m fine,” I told him, not even knowing if that was actually answering his question, “It’s just so fucking intense.”

I felt his hand touching my forearm, gentle and unsure. I felt my other hand reach out and grab his wrist, dragging his hand over to palm and press into my bare breast.

Touch me,” I begged him, “I need you to touch me.”

With eyes clenched shut I held his hand against me until I felt it come to life. His second hand joined his first, both hands on my breasts as I began to move of my own accord and buck and grind against the saddle.

I opened my eyes just long enough to look at him. I saw that familiar body and that familiar cock, I saw his eyes wide with astonishment, shock at never having seen his lovely and demure girlfriend unleashed like this.

I want more,” I growled, grinding myself harder and harder into the saddle.

I reached out for him, gripping his head and pulling him into me. I kissed him and pressed my tongue into his mouth, lashing against his as I demanded and pulled every ounce of sexual desire from him.

Squeeze my breasts,” I begged him, “Harder. Tease my nipples. Oh god, Mike this is all so fucking good.”

I loved it. I loved every fucking minute of this. I could feel my sex quivering, building up and up to a climax that was so intense and overwhelming that it made my very body feel like it was on fire.

All around us a story played out that neither of us was invested in, that neither of us even noticed. We were focused on each other and on the pleasure building in us. Building towards a crescendo that we couldn’t help but look at with open admiration.

And then it was done. In an instant, the rumbling and the movement stopped. The lights stopped flashing and they rose to a solid white hue, and the wail of frustration that tumbled past my lips was anguished and loud.

I wanted more. I was so fucking close and I almost had it. I was so consumed by it that in my haze I only registered the freedom of being unlatched from the saddle and not the presence of the attendant. I registered my wobbly legs and the feeling of dizzy and heady need but only barely heard the words that Mike spoke out loud.

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