In my last week at college I took a chance. I decided to live a little, to push my boundaries. I decided to do something that I never thought that I could do.

I’ve always been restrained and reserved, so focused on making a future for myself that I forgot to actually live. With my head down on classes and grades, I always figured that living would come later.

I was wrong.

With one week left in my last semester at college something happened to make me reconsider everything. I decided to take a chance, to put myself out there in the most extreme way possible. I decided to do what my heart had always craved.

Chained to this couch. Exposed and bared to everyone. Marker writing on me saying that I was free to be used. Trembling and waiting with baited breath.

Who will come through that door? Will I be able to take everything they can give?


I walked down the hall towards the common room, stepping in and working quickly to set everything up because I didn’t want to be caught when I was only half ready.

By the time I was done I was bare naked but for my mask and chained to the couch. The restraint around my neck was looped under the couch to a strut beneath it, and my hands were cuffed behind my back forcing me into a sort of kneeling position as I strained to keep myself from toppling over one way or the other.

I was bare naked, and using a mirror and a marker I had written the words FREE USE on my breasts and FUCK HOLE on my stomach with an arrow pointing down between my thighs.

There I waited, looking just like that. Naked and trembling with anticipation.

I could feel the conflict raging through my body. Fear was there and battling it out for supremacy was need. Need to see this through and to see this happen. Need to see if it could be every bit as intense as I dreamed that it could.

I waited, for so long I waited. Trembling and ready for someone, for anyone to come in. The clock on the wall read out the minutes as they passed, as they crawled past the hour and just when I was thinking that this was all a terrible idea and that I should just give it all up, in he walked.

I recognized him immediately, a new guy on campus this year. He was handsome in a cute and innocent sort of way, wide-eyed and eager at all times. Eager to please and eager to satisfy, so eager that it turned him into a bit of a doormat at times, and he had come to my attention in particular due to some unfortunate drama between him and his girlfriend.

She had been stringing him along, sleeping around behind his back and keeping the poor guy dangling. I was pretty sure that the closest he’d ever gotten to going all the way with her, or with anyone, was a sad and lonely handjob. When she’d dumped him for someone else he was devastated, and he had spent one-night last month crying on my shoulder and then been awkward since then.

If anyone deserved a pick me up it was probably him.

He walked in looking dead tired and run down at first, his eyes glazed over with the lack of sleep and the stress of the year. They didn’t see me at first, running through the room before he froze entirely as recognition dawned on him.

I watched his eyes turn back to me, his jaw drop open as he took in the sight of me. His whole body turning to consider me, as a range of emotions ran across his face settling in the end on confusion.

Are you for real?” he asked, his voice breathless.

I didn’t say a word, I couldn’t say a word. I knew that if I spoke they would know who I was in an instant, and I couldn’t have that happen.

So I nodded instead, eyes wide and sex dripping as he stepped closer to me. Step by step coming closer, his eyes running up and down my naked body with hunger in them, a ravenous need to consume me and devour me.

Until he was standing right over top of me, towering over me and staring down at me and then looking up at him I saw a certainty in his eyes and a single-minded focus. The man knew an opportunity when he saw it. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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