My Wife And The Alpha

She’s been teasing me all night, talking about how she has a surprise for me. I don’t know what it is but I know that she has disappeared. I can’t find her in this dark and packed club, and right now I’m afraid she might have taken things too far.

Alisa is a particular kind of woman, a once in a lifetime kind of woman. Stunningly beautiful and disarmingly charming, she can wrap men up and twist them into knots. She can have any man that she wants, and yet she chose me.

I love her, worship the ground that she walks on. I love her more than I ever thought that I could love anyone in this world. So when she tells me to trust her I do it implicitly. When she promises she won’t steer me wrong I know that she’s right.

I found her shoe in this darkened hallway, looking like it was left here for me to find. I know she’s here somewhere, I know she’s made her move. What I don’t know is what she has planned.

Alisa can be cruel, there is no doubt about that. Cruel to me and cruel to the men who desire her. She can string us along and she knows that we’ll follow, because we can’t bring ourselves to disappoint her.

I can hear them at the top of the stairs and I know what it is. Even over the racket of the pounding music I can hear her voice. She’s with someone. She’s pushing my limits.

I know I should walk away and abandon this but I need to press on. Pulled towards her just as surely as if she had me on the line and was reeling me in.

She’s treating me just like those men she teases and denies. I know how they feel now.

I know why they love it.


“Those guys on the dance floor are easy to deny. But those other men, the men watching me and wanting me just as badly but who can hold out. The men who are so hot that they make even me melt, those men are so much harder to resist.”

Her hand played down my chest and settled between my legs. It found my bulge and squeezed it once, holding on and tightening bit by bit until I groaned in her ear.

Because it wasn’t just pleasure then, there was pain in her touch and the intention to cause it. She had a purpose here, and it was a dark one.

Just as I thought I couldn’t take it she released me, playing me perfectly and leaving me aching even harder than before. She pushed up off of my lap and stood, turning around and leaning over so she was whispering in my ear.

“Get me a drink dear,” she said, kissing me on the cheek and leaving me there wondering what in the hell was going on.

I was numb and my world was spinning but I’d been given a task and had no choice but to obey. Standing up and putting one foot in front of the other I made my way over to the bar and pushed my way to the front.

I felt drunk but I’d only had one drink. One drink half drunk that was now sitting abandoned at that table. Still my world was fire and confusion and smoke, like a tragedy that had just struck but the dust was yet to settle and the damage yet to be evaluated.

It took a while for me to get the attention of the bartender and I gained another appreciation for Alisa and her powers of standing out. I got the drink though and I pulled away to look back into the crowd only to find her absent.

I know it’s a little crazy to say that I knew she wasn’t there in an instant, but I knew it with a certainty. She just has this presence about her, this way to stand out and make herself known. I can’t say how she does it and I can’t say how I know it but I knew she wasn’t there. I knew she was gone.

Moving onto the dance floor I pushed through the people, knowing my search was in vain but doing it all the same. Rushing through the crowd as the panic rose in me, and accompanying it was a certainty that I couldn’t deny.

She wasn’t gone. She wasn’t kidnapped. She hadn’t been taken.

This was a part of her plan, that grand plan that she had set out to enact before she’d even left the house tonight. What was happening now was a part of a bigger picture, one that I couldn’t grasp quite yet.

And that scared the crap out of me. I had this sense that I couldn’t shake that this was going to hurt. As the panic rose and I rushed through the club I knew, I just knew, that she was out for blood.

The drink left my hand at some point, I think I set it down somewhere but I can’t be certain. All I know is that my heart was pounding in my chest and having exhausted the dance floor and the surrounding tables I pushed my way to the bathrooms and into the dimly lit hall in there.

I was struck by the sight of it on the floor, the way it was lit so perfectly that it had to be intentional. It had to be left there deliberately as a sign, a guidepost for me to draw me on the path towards my doom.

A shoe, a black stiletto. Her shoe, unmistakable.

It drew me in and I picked it up, feeling the delicate nature of it and knowing it was left here for me. I held it in my hands, cradling it there and feeling the shaking tremble running through my body.

What was happening here? What was her plan? What did she intend and how far was she willing to go?

My dark and dangerous wife, my deadly lover.

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