She Needs More

Their eyes are on me the moment I step into the bar. All of them watching me. All of them wanting me.

Life got boring and I needed more. I needed to feel excitement and thrills, and I got my kicks from what is perhaps an unconventional place.

I went out. I took risks. I teased men and dared them to go further, to defy the ring on my finger and have me.

The man in the corner, he’s obviously in charge. Lean and muscular and hungry, when he pushes from his seat he comes to me, the crowd parting to let him by.

I know he’s dangerous but I tell him my truth. I tell him my deepest desire.

It was never enough and I was almost frantic in my search for more. I sought out the most dangerous place I could find. I put myself in the middle of it and dared them to act.

He pulls me out into the middle of this bar. He bares me and he has me, rough and hard and in full view of all of them.

But rather than be sated, the beast inside of me wants more. She wants him to consume me fully. To bring me to the dizzying heights of pleasure that I know only a man like this can give me.

I give myself to him fully now. My husband is the last thing on my mind.


I watched him cross the room to me, the grin on his face bordering on cruel as he took the seat next to me at the bar.

“Buy me a drink?” I asked him.

With a wave of his hand the bartender scurried to work, making our drinks and setting them in front of us.

I took a sip, making sure to steady my hand out of fear of playing my true feelings to obviously. I was nervous, I’d never been this close to a man like this before. I was playing with fire, and I knew that getting burned was an inevitability.

The man took another sip and set his glass down and I did the same. One sip was enough for me. I wasn’t here to drink anyways.

His eyes never broke from me. His eyes squinted slightly as he peered into me.

For all the world he looked like he was trying to unlock the puzzle that I presented, like he was trying to figure me out and failing all the same.

I knew I was a contrast to the people in here. My dress might be a bit more provocative than I usually went with but it was obviously and clearly expensive as was my jewelry and my general demeanor. All of it screamed the truth, that I didn’t belong here. That I was in over my head.

But that I had made a deliberate choice to walk into this bar and that none of it was an accident.

His gaze settled on my ring before moving back up to my face, and that grin on his face shifted into almost mocking.

“You look awfully nice for this bar,” he said to me finally, breaking the ice, “Too nice to be here.”

“I’ve heard that before,” I said, remembering the cab driver as I played my finger over the rim of my glass, “That I’m nice. I don’t want to be nice.”

“Is that so?” he asked me, “Tell me what you want then.”

My eyes moved to his, locking into him and meeting his gaze.

“I want to be bad,” I told him, “I want to be wanton. I want to be dirty. I want to be used.”

There was a spark inside of him with each one of my statements. They set off a fire, sparked intentions and ideas that were anything but neat and contained in his mind. He knew perfectly well what was happening here and I’m sure he had ideas about me that were anything but sweet and innocent.

He probably thought I was some bored housewife, but was that so far from the truth? He probably thought I was here for a walk on the wild side, but wasn’t that exactly what this was about? He probably thought I was trying to push my limits and I’d get scared and rabbit the second he pushed too far too fast.

He probably thought I was silly.

I knew better.

Lunging forward his hands were on my body and he pulled me to him and nearly off my stool. His lips pressed against mine and I tasted smoke and alcohol and I leaned into it, moaning as I opened my lips to accept his eager tongue.

He was angry and possessive, taking my bending supplication as a challenge. Pushing me for more and more as he pressed himself onto me in a real and present way.

Hands running over my body, starting on my hips and slipping up my back. Pushing onwards over my breasts, feeling the absence of a bra as my hard nipples strained against the fabric of my dress.

I felt his grumble as his other hand pushed down and spread my thighs. Bare skin on bare skin as he moved forward and found my wet sex.

Completely exposed to him.

I think the absence of a bra or panties told him the truth that he would need to accept.

I had no limits tonight.

Pulling back he grabbed me off of the stool and swung me over his shoulder. I was helpless as he carried me into the center of the bar and set me down on what passed for a dance floor in this space.

You could hear my heels as they clicked against the ground. You could hear a pin drop as all eyes were on me.

But only he had his hands on me.

Pushing me. Pressing me past my limits. Pushing me so fast that it made me gasp with the speed of it as he made me kneel and tugged open his pants, pulling out a cock that dwarfed my husband and set this man as alpha by its size alone.

Ben may not have been the biggest man that I’ve ever had in my life, but this man absolutely was.

And his cock looked angry with me, as if it stood in defiance of me and challenged me to satisfy him. I knew that it would be work to be enough for him, but as I swallowed hard and knelt there in front of him I knew that I had it in me.

Ben? Ben was so far from my mind right then. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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