Cheating With My Billionaire Boss

He can make me feel alive. He can make me feel excited. There is just one problem, he is not my husband.

It’s never been easy for me to find meaning in life, I looked around me and I never really understood what life could be. I never understood why everyone seemed so happy and fulfilled.

He’s not my husband he’s my boss. He’s ridden me hard all year long but it’s made me shine like a diamond. And in the quiet moments between us I can see it in his eyes, the hunger he has for me.

I took on the job because it offered me a chance at real work. I decided to work with him because he made me want to challenge myself. But the longer I spent with my rich and handsome boss, the more I found myself tumbling down a path I should never have been on in the first place.

Working late and he asks me to stay. The request is framed innocently, but I can see that he wants more. I want to give that to him. I want be that woman for him.

I want him to have me.


“Consider it,” Alexander said, crossing into the room and taking slow and tentative steps towards me, “No crossing any lines. I just feel like it’s unfair to keep you here so late and ask you back in the morning. I feel like I’m working you too hard.”

Too hard. What if hard was what I craved? What if hard was what I wanted?

This place and this man was the first thing that challenged me in my life and I had leaped into it with both feet. I’d gone into it wholeheartedly and I’d never felt so good in my life.

Alexander could make me feel things that Todd had never made me feel.

“It is a long drive,” I said quietly, watching him approach me.

I felt the draw of him, the allure of him. I’d felt it for so long and I felt it now.

Never in my life had I been reckless and impulsive but Alexander made me want to be. He made me want to be insistent on things, to be demanding like he was.

And he made me want to give in to him, to feel the hold and the power that he held in this world brought down to bear on me.

I wanted him to order me, to demand from me outright. I wanted him to make me beg for more.

“It is,” he said carefully, and I looked into his eyes and saw that fire that burned within him, “Very far.”

He was so close to me and I could smell his cologne. I’d bought those bottles for him and I knew the scent, but it was affecting me now like never before. Invading me and making me weak. Making my whole world dizzy and tumble into a single point.

A point in which he stood.

I pressed forward.

Reckless. Impulsive. I threw myself at him knowing that it spelled my doom.

Alexander was taken off guard when I kissed him. He felt me press my lips against him and I felt him freeze. There was a palpable torment in his body, a break between what he wanted and what he knew he should want.

Because this was wrong on so many levels.

There was tension and attraction between us, but he was my boss and I was his assistant. He was single but I was married and as far as he knew happily so.

None of this was right. None of this was the way that it was supposed to be. But I’ll be damned if we didn’t want it.

Oh god, I wanted it.

I felt him move onto me, pulling me into him and against him. I felt his body come to life against me as he pushed me back while his hands moved onto me and held me.

His hands were on my hips and he was gripping into me, his grip tightening the longer we held each other. I felt his lips part and my needy tongue slipped into his mouth, playing off of him for an instant.

For one perfect moment.

He pulled me back, pushed me away. He held me at arm’s length with both of us gulping in air and staring at each other.

We were both afraid.

Terrified by what we’d done, by how it made us feel. Terrified that we’d made a mistake and crossed a line.

But in an instant looking in his eyes I knew that I’d made the right choice. I memorized the feel of his lips on mine, the feel of his potent urgency and need for me, and I knew that I would never forgive myself if I didn’t seize that while I had the chance.

“You’re married,” he said quietly.

“I don’t care,” I responded, absolutely certain in myself, “I’m not going to pretend anymore. I’m not going to deny myself something that makes me feel good out of obligation to a promise that only ever made me feel comfortable. I want you, and while there are a million reasons I shouldn’t, my husband and my marriage don’t number among them.” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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