Transformed Into Her

I know who that woman in the mirror is, the woman that I’ve become. I fell in love with that woman and now I’m her.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but none worse than the mistake I made with Emmy. I was never enough for a woman like her. It made sense that she would fall for someone like him.

I have her body now, a perfect copy that is more than just perfection. I’m a reflection of her in every single way. Outside and inside. Appearances and appetites.

They never took the leap together, but surely it was only a matter of time. While they were working close, they got closer than either of them could have ever imagined. My girlfriend and my boss, both of them wanting to take their relationship to the next level.

She’s not here now, but I am. I am and so is he. He’s right outside this door and the moment I step out of here he’s going to think that I’m her. He’s going to think I want what she wants.

The crazy part is that his assumption might not be wrong. This feminine body I’m in has needs and appetites. It has cravings and desires and right now it wants to feel him on me.

On me. In me. Claiming me. Making me her.


Patrick didn’t know anything about this situation. Patrick didn’t know who I was or what had happened to me.

All he knew was that a beautiful woman had walked into his life, a woman who didn’t belong at the party downstairs but who just might belong in his bed.

Patrick didn’t know what this meant to me. Surely he didn’t understand half of the things that I said, half of the requests that I made.

Surely he didn’t know what I meant when I broke our kiss, looked him straight in the eye, and begged him.

“Make me feel like a woman.”

I don’t know what he thought that meant, but I know what it spurred him to do.

He moved me closer and closer to the bed, the two of us circling around one another but still never not touching one another. In each other’s arms and exploring one another’s bodies, as I pressed on his clothing, stripping him of his jacket and pressing my hands against the hard body beneath his fine dress shirt.

It was a bit shocking to me that I was so enamored by the feel of a man. Sure his body was better than my old one. Sure he was hard where I was soft, thick where I was thin, strong where I was weak.

But the feel of his cock hardening against my body didn’t disgust me, it thrilled me. Though I was, of course, intimately familiar with the workings of a cock I’d never felt it from this end. I’d never been able to know what it could feel like from the other side.

I’ll admit it. I wanted it.

More than that I needed it. I needed to satisfy a curiosity that I’d had for longer than I knew.

Because I didn’t love Emmy, not nearly as much as I loved the idea of her. The idea of a woman who was able to draw attention and be comfortable with it. The idea of a person so foreign to me, who I knew was happier than I was.

I just wanted to be happy, and being her might give me that.

Patrick lay me down on his bed and I spread out for him, my golden hair fanning out around my face as he rose into view, looking down at me with such affectionate need. He wanted me, he wanted her, he wanted a woman.

And I’d be that woman for him. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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