My Fertile Wife

I can’t believe this is happening. My best friend with his hands all over my wife and I am just sitting in the corner quietly. I know this needs to happen, but I never knew how much I really needed it.

When we got the news from the doctor it broke her heart. We weren’t going to get pregnant. I just didn’t have what it takes to get the job done.

She might be with him, but she’s staring at me. She knows I’m watching too intently, so intently that even I start to think this might be about more than just the act of getting pregnant. I think I might need this for a whole different reason.

Any option that wasn’t the natural way wasn’t an option for us, we just didn’t have the money to make it happen. I was the one to propose finding an alternative donor, the one to suggest all of this.

When my best friend grips her body, he makes her ache for more. He makes her words spill forth like a confession. Not just begging him to give her far more than we talked about, but shaming me at the same time. Telling me that I don’t have what it takes. Telling me that I’m not enough of a man for her.

Her words are vicious, but they hide the real truth. The truth is that she needs this too. The truth is that we both want all of this.

The truth is that tonight might be only the beginning.


There was something deliberate about her actions. Focused and direct it was like she was just rushing through things. She was getting him hard and that was it. That was all it was.

I had to keep telling myself that.

It wasn’t easy to watch this display, to even hear the sounds of their bodies coming together. The slight grunts coming from him and the breathy gasps from her.

I was torn into a million pieces by it, not knowing how to react.

I’ll admit it, a part of me was loving it.

But another part was filled with worry that she was learning so much more about what her body could take and that I would never satisfy after this. That by putting this into action I was tipping a domino in a path that would never stop until he stole her from me.

And I was so very ashamed that no part of me was able to stop this. That the only movement I could do was to cross my legs and clench my fist tight while my cock throbbed hard in my pants.

As for Carter, well whatever reservations he might have once had were quickly fading away. He started to reach for my wife, started to feel her. Running his hands through her hair before resting his palm on the top of her head. His hips started to pump, little by little, as he held back from plunging himself deep within her.

If what I’d heard through our shared wall had been correct, Carter liked taking charge. He liked fucking and fucking hard and fast. Pounding the women so rough that it was as likely as not that his goddamn bed would break.

He was showing so much restraint not taking Cate right now. I was showing so much restraint not crying out for it to happen.

Cate was the one who decided when things changed.

But just before she did, she did something that shocked me. She was balanced at the tip of him having just run her tongue up and down his length and she caught her breath for an instant before lunging forward.

My eyes bugged at the sight of it. All I heard was Carter moaning and the sounds of her gagging as my wife swallowed every last inch of him.

It lasted only a heartbeat and then she was back and as she fell off of him I allowed myself to imagine that she had moaned and shuddered with delight at her accomplishment. Instead she giggled quickly, pressing back and getting up to her feet.

“I just- I needed to know if I could do that,” she blushed.

Carter grinned, moving in and wrapping his arm around her, “Well Cate I can certainly say that you can.”

He pulled her tight against him and kissed her with such passion that I heard a squeal of surprise from her and then a moan that was entirely unconscious. His hands moved down to palm and squeeze and then spank her ass, and when he pulled back from her she was biting her lip.

“I just- I needed to know if I could do that,” Carter parroted by means of an explanation while his fingers crept upwards, cresting over her bra and pressing into the skin of her cleavage.

I watched. I witnessed. I saw Cate reach up behind herself and unclip her bra, letting the friction of their two bodies keep it pressed and covering her. Carter busied himself working her panties down instead, stepping in as they fell down to the ground and slipping his cock into the gap between her thighs.

This time when she moaned it was unmistakable. His cock was pressing against the length of her slit. She could feel him in full and she was on tiptoe to let him press there.

Suddenly I realized it was like I wasn’t even there for them. They were acting like lovers, like real lovers. Like they were alone in the room.

I hated it. I hated the fact that this wasn’t a show for me. I resented the man for fucking my wife and having the audacity to make it about him and his big cock.

I was the one that wanted this. I was the one that needed this. I was the one…

She was mine.

I must have made a noise because both of them backed away from one another and in the process, Cate’s bra slipped away. She was there naked in front of him for the first time, fully exposed.

But they were both staring at me.

“Don’t you think you have work to do?” I replied, my bitter voice surprising me as I stared at Cate.

“Right,” Carter said, and I think I could even hear him roll his eyes, “I forgot. I’m here to fuck your wife.” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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