Becoming The Girl Next Door

In the blink of an eye I was her. I was in her body and in her bed. I saw just what she was doing and knew she was thinking of me.

A moment later I was back in my kitchen, breathing heavily and wondering if it had all just been a dream. The beautiful young widow next door who I’d gotten close to. She was fantasizing about me, and for the briefest moments I had been her.

It happened again that night, I was in her body and could feel all of it, tight and bouncy and soft. The feel of being her, in all her slight and gentle femininity, was so hard to forget.

But it had to be a dream. You can’t change bodies in real life. She couldn’t want an old guy like me in real life. None of it could be real, right?

The third time it happens we’re face to face and forced to face the unthinkable. We’ve swapped bodies, found out the secret dreams and desires of one another. We both know what we want.

I want to see what it’s like from the other side. To feel what it’s like from the other side. I want to know whether that little thought in my mind is absolutely certain.

Is it really better as a woman?


I was standing in my kitchen rummaging through my fridge when it happened. The rest of the supplies were already on the counter, as was the pitcher, but I filled my arms with the lemons and kicked the door shut behind me, walking over and dropping them into the sink to wash them.

Then a blink and I wasn’t there anymore.

I thought at first that I was just disoriented, having a dizzy spell that was maybe a sign of worse things to come. I could have come up with a thousand and one reasons why I was suddenly struck in this way, none of them good, but as I felt the rush wash over my body I knew that something bad couldn’t feel like this.

And when I opened my eyes I saw that I wasn’t myself.

The body stretched out beneath me was beautiful and languid. Young and lithe and tight, breasts proud and plentiful, spilling over the side of me as they bounced rhythmically to the pumping of my hand.

I’d fallen into her in media res, naked with a sheet draped over her gentle body but her hand still moving in time just the way she left it.

And the movement of it was unmistakable.

As were the sensations running through me. Though I’d never experienced it from this side of the gender barrier before I knew what it felt like to be so achingly close to cumming. Thighs trembling and breath catching in her chest. Bottom lip shaking as it caught on the tail end of a word I almost recognized.

I should be panicked, but in truth the pleasure was enough to keep me rushing ever onward. My hand moving faster and pumping that thick cylinder into me as I felt it stretch me up and my body begged for more.

I was filled with the rubbery cock I was holding. The give on it soft but nearly unrelenting as the walls of my sex closed on it and clenched hard, struggling to keep it in me while I fought to pull it out.

Only to plunge it back in again, the thrust making a light moan pull out from my lips and tremble through the air as my head tumbled side to side.

The hair surrounding it was dark and long and wavy with curls. It blossomed and billowed and gleamed so beautiful, so luxuriant and luxurious.

I gasped again, closing my eyes for a moment and then flickering them back open in the hopes that I could keep her in this moment. That I could keep being her.

My other body was older than this one. My other body knew the memory of feeling like this but not this in particular.

And it had been years since I’d been close to a woman as beautiful as this. Whatever odd fantasy was playing out in me at this moment I wanted to embrace it. I wanted to experience every second to the fullest.

A sound drew my attention down to the laptop positioned on the bed. I saw the video playing, heard the grunts of that man and the moans of that woman. Their bodies coming together again and again on the screen as he drilled her into the bed beneath her and she enjoyed every inch of him.

And the rhythm of his hips matched the rhythm of my hand, making it clear to me that this body was timing itself perfectly to put herself in the fantasy.

Stretched out just like that woman in the video. Taking it just like that woman in the video. Moaning and being satisfied, just like that woman in the video.

But it wasn’t the woman in the video that drew my attention, it was the man.

She was young and he was old, well he was older at least. This body I was in was young, and the body I’d left was older.

Older and looked so much like the man in the video. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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