Shut Up And Watch

My husband said I was boring. He said that I wasn’t adventurous enough. He asked me to expand my horizons, but he has no idea what I’m capable of.

When I married him I walked away from a life that he didn’t have the first clue about. So many countless nights pushing through my limits. So many desperate panting nights where I gave myself to pleasures he couldn’t even dream of again and again.

He wants me to try something new, but he doesn’t know that I’ve already tried it all before I even met him. He wants me to be exciting? Well he’s going to get a lesson in just how exciting his pretty little wife can be.

When I met him, I thought he was different. I thought he was good and kind. I thought he was patient and worth it, worth giving up on a life I loved to live one where I could love him. But I see now that I was wrong.

My husband wants what all men want. They want a woman who can tear up the sheets and scream every night. They want a woman who can put on a show, use and be used and leave them gasping and shuddering.

If that’s what he wants then that’s what he’ll get. I’ll give him a night to remember. I’ll show him everything that I can do. I’ll test his limits while expanding my own, going back to a world that I closed the door on the day I swore to love him.

My husband wants something new, but he doesn’t know how much he’s going to have to lose to get it.


So until today, I was fine giving up. I was happy settling for less. I was so happy with Roger until he wasn’t happy with me and now I was going to show him what he’d been missing.

He wanted an adventurous wife? A wife that pushes the limits?

Well, he was going to get an object lesson in that.

I woke and I showered and I made myself ready, taking sight of my body in the mirror. Washed and dressed in not a stitch of nothing, I knew that I was just as beautiful as the day I walked out of the life, if not more.

That sweet innocence tinted with an edge of darkness. Something that you could only see if you caught it in just the right light, if you caught a glimmer of it from out of the corner of my eye. And once you got a glimpse you were hooked and you couldn’t ever stop seeing it.

Out of the shower and dry, I slipped my robe on and made my way back into the main room, double-checking the camera in the corner and the other on the other side, making sure the angles of both were right. Making sure the focus was perfect.

There weren’t cameras last time, but then last time didn’t have the twist that this time did. It didn’t have the little ring on my finger that came with all kinds of attachments both spoken and unspoken. It didn’t have thirteen years of backstory and obligations, and now it meant so much more.

I took a deep breath, clicked record, and walked into the frame.

“Hello Roger,” I said smiling sweetly up at the lens staring down at me, “I bet you have a lot of questions right now, but just hold on because after all this is done you’re going to have a lot more. To jump ahead and get some things out of the way right out the gate. Yes, I want to do this. I’ve wanted to do this for so long. Yes, I know what I’m doing. My life didn’t start with you and I have a past you can’t begin to imagine. Yes, I’m enjoying myself. Every minute of what is about to happen is ecstasy on a level that you can’t give to me. And this last one. This last one is very important.”

I stood up, playing with the knot on the sash on my robe until it slipped open and the robe parted with it. Shrugging out of it I let it fall to the floor until every inch of my glorious and youthful body was on display.

“Yes, you could have stopped this. Yes, this is your fault. Yes, you asked for this, because even if you didn’t say it directly you knocked down the first domino and started all of it.”

I smiled, my fingers playing on my hip as I teased at my skin and felt that thrill, that shivering shudder, run down my spine.

“You woke something up in me that was dormant for a long time, Roger. When I asked you to be gentle it wasn’t for my benefit, it was for yours. Because a sweet and innocent man like you cannot handle a woman like me when I’m off my leash. But you’re about to learn that the hard way, dear husband. I hope you enjoy the show.” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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