Body Swap For My Bully

He wants me on my knees. He wants to change me himself. He wants to make me a woman and then he wants to make me his.

For so many years he made my life a living hell but I thought I’d gotten away. Yet when I walk through the door of my new job who is standing there but him. My old bully is my new boss.

And I let him change me. I let him build his perfect woman. I let him mold me and remake me and I let him lead me down a path I know ends in my destruction.

Things are never simple with him, power and pressure pushing on me and redirecting me to what he wants me to be. He’ll have what he wants from me in the end. There is no way for me to resist him.

I didn’t know how good it could feel to be her. How good the body of a woman could be. How beautiful, how soft, how delicately sweet.

And I know that he can make me feel good. I know that obedience drives my body crazy with need. I know that when I say yes to him, I’m saying yes to a world of pleasure he’ll open up for me.

I also know that saying yes no means I’ll never say no again.


“Open your mouth, Sissy,” he told me, and my body shuddered at hearing that word that Emmy called me spill out of his lips. There was so much more malice and venom when it came from him.

But so much more satisfaction as well.

I opened wide, slipping my tongue out to sit on my bottom lip. He placed the pill gingerly on my tongue and I flicked it back greedy and eager, swallowing it whole.

The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was him. I saw him staring down at me. I saw his excitement as I felt the changes start to bubble in me.

Like someone had opened a fizzy bottle they’d shaken inside of me. It was burning through my veins, bubbling through me and reaching all my dark crevices. I stopped being able to feel the world around me. All I could feel was the insides of me shifting and changing.

I couldn’t even open my eyes anymore. Dimly I felt something on my skin and it turned to hot iron in an instant. I think he was holding me, moving me and carrying me, but I couldn’t be certain.

“Almost done now,” he cooed in my ear, “It all happens so fast and it’s oh so worth it in the end.”

I breathed out quickly, feeling my heart race as the bubbles popped all at once and my world exploded.

I gasped out, crying out afterwards high and ragged in a voice I didn’t recognize. My body seized the pleasure of the change and the warmth that came afterwards.

It felt, for all the world, like I’d just cum.

But the climax wasn’t centered between my legs, it was suffused into every part of me. A full-body high that left me gasping in the wake of it. That left me remade.

“Open your eyes now, sweet,” he told me, his voice warm and almost kind.

That little term of endearment set butterflies in my stomach that fluttered up through me and pressed the lids of my eyes open just like a butterflies wings.

I was lying in a bed, Trent standing over me staring down. I could feel things were different, could feel weight where there wasn’t weight and the fabric of my clothing was different on my skin.

It was like I was feeling more of it.

He held out his hand and I placed a hand I didn’t recognize in it. My fingers were long and tapered, my wrist slim and elegant.

Helping me to my feet he led me over to where a full-length mirror was lined up against the wall. He pressed the palm of his hand over my eyes and lined me up with it before withdrawing and revealing my new reflection to me.

I wasn’t me anymore. I’d lost a few inches on my height, lost all of the softness around my middle and even what little muscle that I’d put on over the years.

Instead my body was now swimming in the clothing I was wearing. The shoulders down nearly halfway down my biceps. The pants barely hanging on to my hips.

I could only see glimpses of the outline of my form through the billowing clothes, but I looked slim and tight and defined.

What I could see was my face, framed by a bounty of long and flowing blonde hair. I had lips that were full and pouty, dimple in the middle of my bottom lip that was sultry. A nose like a button, cute and small. Eyes that were heavy-lidded and heavy even when in shock. Cute little chin and full cheekbones, the face of a model, beautiful and defined.

“I’m going to show you what lies beneath now,” Trent said from behind me, “I’m going to show you every inch of the new you, and then we’re going to see how much you can take.”

I looked from my reflection up to him. He’d been big in comparison to me before but now he was positively massive. Shoulders that were far broader than mine, standing a full head above me.

He closed his big arms around my body and his fingers worked nimbly at the buttons of my shirt. He undid them all one by one, leaving a line of bare skin and a shock of firm cleavage visible before he moved to my pants.

There was something about the way I looked just before he bared me. My shirt undone nearly to show my nipples. My tight and defined abdomen on full display. My breasts high and proud and my pants unbuttoned and unzipped and drawn down just enough that you could almost catch a glimpse of my sex.

But really it was the flush in my skin that made the image. The tousle of my hair like I’d just been dragged out of bed.

I looked wanton and willing. I looked eager for the man who was undressing me to put his hands on me.

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