On Display At The Party

She’d grown close to him since he moved into the neighborhood. I’d been happy for her, but I never dreamed their relationship would turn into this.

When they moved in down the street my wife was thrilled, finally a couple living near us who wasn’t three decades our senior. She got close with the husband, both of them home alone during the day. Every night when I got back from work she’d have another story of how charming and interesting the new man in her life was.

I thought this was just a party, but each room we walk into is a new level of debauchery. Each time I thought we’d seen it all, the next door surprised us with more. Couples, trios, whips and chains. They were breaking all the rules here, and now they were about to break us.

When he asked me what I wanted, I told him willingly. When he asked me how far I wanted them to go, I begged him to take her all the way. The handsome, charming neighbor and my sweet and innocent wife, on display and on a stage for all to see as they fall into one another for the very first time.

I want her to be happy, but that’s not why I asked for this to happen. I want her to be pleased, but that’s not why I said yes. His wife got it right when she sat next to me and teased me while I stared at the stage. She might be the only one who really understands me here.

Because she knows that I need to watch.


“You’re not a prisoner, John,” Drake laughed, “Sincerely we didn’t bring you here to try anything. We just like you two and we wanted to be honest with you, open. Though probably a great deal more open than you would have expected.”

I shuffled uncomfortably in my chair, visions of Ana bent down low between those two men playing in my mind and the memory of the sound of her scream of pleasure ringing in my ear. Closing my eyes I swallowed and took a deep breath in slowly through my nose, turning to Rachel to ask her whether she’d like to leave with me when I found her turning to Drake and asking a quiet question.

“But do you want to do anything?” her voice came out, uncertain and halting and uncomfortable in a way that I’d come not to expect from her, “With me? Do you want to do anything with me? Did you ask us here because…”

Her voice trailed away, and Drake’s eyes went a little wider. I stared as a moment passed between them, one of those moments of quiet intimacy between two kindred spirits, him just reaching out and squeezing her hand and her just smiling slightly, a little shyly.

Rachel had changed, changed because of him. She’d gotten happier, more content, more comfortable and outgoing.

It was hard to see it without the contrast of who she was now to understand, but there had been a perpetual sadness in her. She’d been unfulfilled in the years that we’d been out here, aged beyond her years and slowed down to a quiet that didn’t suit her.

Finding Drake had given her new life, stripping years away and making her more like who she used to be. I saw how beautiful she was, how much I loved her, and I knew the truth behind what I had to do next.

Yes, a part of it was for me. It was for that quiet fantasy that had seized me and wouldn’t let go. But more than even that I knew what Rachel wanted, what would make her happy. I knew that she needed him in her life.

“We should stay,” I said suddenly, “Explore the party. See if maybe things might be interesting for us.”

Rachel looked over at me, positively beaming, “Are you saying what I think you’re saying, John?”

I opened and closed my mouth a few times before I spoke, “I’m saying that I think we should have an open mind. Telling you there might be something here for us. Maybe, if you want it, we could stay awhile at the party and see what happens.”

As I watched Rachel squeezed his hand a little tighter and I felt my heart rate quicken. Behind each of my blinks a tableau of my dreams played out, Drake’s hard body and my wife’s soft one, entwined together in pleasure.

Rachel was looking at him, but Drake was only looking at me.

“John I need you to say it,” he said, “No half words, no implications. This is a big step and I want you to say it out loud. I need to hear it because what happens here, it can’t affect what happens in your marriage. The last thing I’d ever want is to come between you and Rachel. So tell me what you want, John. What do you want to have happen here?”

When I tried, I found the words came to me so easily. It was simple, direct, and meaningful.

“I want you to fuck my wife.”

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