From Quarterback To Cheerleader

I made her life hell and now she’s getting her revenge. I’m the star quarterback and she’s made me into a cheerleader.

We plotted together, the quarterback and the cheerleader building her up only to tear her down. We humiliated her and she decided to give us a taste of our own medicine. She decided to make us see what real humiliation is like.

I never knew I could feel like this, my body so lithe and light. Every inch of me is bursting with energy and every step I take I feel people staring at me, wanting me.

And the woman in my body? She has her own needs. With my old powerful body she wants to show me just how far things can go. She wants to open a whole world to me and I don’t think I can deny it anymore.

I want to know what it’s like to be her. I want to know what it’s like to be a woman. I want to know how much this body can take.

And I don’t want to hold back anymore.


“You never realized,” he said, “Never put the pieces together? You honestly never wondered why I had zero interest in fucking you? In fucking anyone? Why I never, not even once, gave a second glance to any of the strapping young men surrounding me?”

I’m sure she could see the wheels turning in my head, clicking into place as realization dawned on me. He nearly burst into another fit of laughter as he saw me make the connection.

“That’s right, I’m about as straight as a sharp turn in the road my friend,” he said, “And as for this right here? Well, I’ll admit to being vain enough to find myself attractive. Always wondered what it would be like to have a cock as well, so I figure everything is lining up for me right now and this is a chance, a shot, at something that I can’t deny. So why not give it a chance? Why not strike while the iron is hot?”

He moved forward again and while I will never admit it publicly, my body reacted to the power of him. The urge deep inside of me surged and demanded attention, begging out for me to let it happen. Craving that strong touch of his once more.

“But I’m straight,” I protested as he closed the space between us.

“I think I can make you reconsider that,” he quipped.

I could have run, could have pushed him back. I could have stopped all of this but I didn’t and I didn’t want to.

I wanted him to kiss me like he did, to feel his arms wrap me up and pull me into him again. My body was crushed against him, one of his hands pressing into the small of my back and tugging me into him, the other lightly caressing my cheek as he kissed me hard and full and hungry.

His tongue slipped expertly past my lips and I felt myself get swooped around and picked up off my feet. He held me to him so easily that it made me feel slight and delicate, and despite the fact that it felt so foreign and disorienting to me I found that it thrilled me at the same time.

Something about all of this was so deliciously wrong. It was everything I loved but turned on its head and viewed through a kaleidoscope. It was making my world spin and then making me spin too as he pressed me down to the bed and moved his body on top of me.

For a guy who’d had troubled standing up even just a few minutes ago, he’d certainly gotten the hang of things quickly. His nimble fingers ran circles around me, teasing at the light clothing on my body and peeling it away so quickly that it was only when it was his fingers on my bare skin that I really realized that I was already naked.

And his lips pressed into my neck, his nose brushing up close to my ear and then his lips pressing down as he nestled into the nape of my neck, as his hands began to slide up my body.

I gasped, shivering a little as I felt him move on me. Goosebumps lit up on my skin and I swallowed hard, knowing what his plans were and knowing that I wanted to have them happen.

Because my body was alive and itching with need. A need that bubbled in my belly and sent hot rushes of pleasure up and down my spine. I trembled before him, shaking like a leaf and more nervous than I’d been in bed in my entire life.

Because right now everything that I was feeling pointed to a single conclusion. As I felt him move on me, I closed my eyes and tried to fight against the truth that was screaming for attention in my mind. I felt his lips press into my collarbone, into the tops of my new breasts. I felt his hands moving up over my rib cage and pressing at the bottoms of my breasts. Felt him moving closer and closer to connecting those two separate but powerful search parties and I knew, I just knew, the truth that I would soon no longer be able to deny.

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