First Night On Stage

As I step out on stage I feel their eyes on me. I know what they want, and I know that I’m going to give it to them.

Before I started working here, I’d never even stepped foot inside a strip club. They had always seemed dirty to me, taboo and forbidden. A good girl like me didn’t belong in a place like this, so what did it say that I was about to make my big debut?

I grasp the pole and spin and I sense them drinking me in. Their attention makes my skin hot, it makes my body ache for more.

What a story this is, sweet little housewife has to make ends meet and winds up on stage showing these hungry men every last inch of her. Her husband at home, completely unaware of what she’s doing to make ends meet. But there is nowhere that I can hide now and no way that I can deny the truth, because from the moment I stepped out on stage I knew what I craved.

I want them to watch me. I want them to want me. I want to reach for me, feeling me and pleasing me with all of their efforts.

I want them to take me, and I don’t care that my husband is waiting at home.


You see I’d gotten a reputation around the club as a tease. No man could get a hold of me, no one save the first man had ever managed to have me in his grasp.

And I’d caught customers talking about me, conversing and debating the reasons. The rumors swirled around Sweet Little May, and though everyone had their own spin they all were just variations on a theme.

Pure and innocent. Sweet and untouched. Hell, I think a few of them even probably thought that I was a virgin, though none of them had any proof of that.

To the last man they all saw me as someone rare, a beautiful white blossom growing improbably in the seedy back alley that the club represented to them. I was someone to be protected, to be shielded, to be surrounded by their best white knight impression. And I’ll admit I played into that a little.

I certainly was playing into it tonight, because tonight I was dressed for the role of their lifetime.

White from head to toe. White stockings and white garter belt. Little white miniskirt that was honestly probably a little too thin to be a proper skirt because it hugged my curves and showed off the bottoms of my ass cheeks. The white corset over my middle was the closest I came to anything other than pure and snow white and only because it was almost silver in color instead, and it swept in through my waist and emphasized my small frame before stopping just below the swell of my breasts.

I wore a bra over those, lacy and gossamer and thin enough to give you the idea that maybe you might just be making out a glimpse of my nipples without actually seeing anything. Beyond that bra the only thing I had on was a collar, a choker of white lace tied tight around my neck and above the cut of my collarbone and the deep line of cleavage I had on display.

It wasn’t subtle, because let’s be frank I was here to dance and move and get naked on stage. But it worked with the sweet and innocent persona that May had around here. If I’d added a halo and a pair of wings it’d be clear just what I was meant to be: an angel come down to earth.

This angel stepped to the beat of the music as she strode towards the glittering pole standing ramrod straight in the middle of the stage. She strode around it slowly, tracing her fingers onto the edge of it and letting her eyes look out around the stage at the crowd, knowing with absolute certainty that all eyes were on her.

And she let those eyes linger before her fingers gripped the pole and she kicked off, floating around it and defying gravity before their very eyes.

For the last four months I’d been coming to work early and leaving late. I’d volunteered to help out preparing things and getting things clean and clear, but I’d watched girls practicing and I’d asked for a little bit of advice, a bit of guidance, all under the guise of getting myself in better shape.

Because frankly pole dancing was one hell of a workout. The kind of whole-body ache that left you sore and satisfied in the morning. I’d always been a gym rat, always been eager to push my limits, but even when I started down this path I couldn’t have anticipated how much it had been.

I knew I needed it though, and being on stage just confirmed those feelings to me. With each pass around the pole and each pose I made I could almost close my eyes and feel it, the way they were looking at me, the way they were watching me and drinking me in.

I’d told myself it was for money and that wasn’t a lie, but it was clearly about more than that for me. My body was already on fire and I’d not even removed a stitch yet.

The song shifted as it ended and the second kicked in. I let my feet find the ground and my hands slipped up over my thighs as my eyes closed, my fingers moving every onward onto my corset as I popped the fasteners and peeled it away. My stomach came into view, the lines of it long and lean and muscular, but not hard and masculinely defined. I was in good enough shape that the corset hadn’t held anything in, but it had instead just outlined the natural tightness of my waist which, now unfettered, was revealed for all of them.

I bit my bottom lip and a sly smile played at the edges of my lips. My hips shook and I stepped forward to the edge, falling to my knees and then to my hands as I crawled to the edge of the stage before spinning over on my back. I’d seen a few girls do a move like this, kicking their legs up in the air and then spreading them, planting their feet back down onto the ground and lifting their hips up, their hands teasing their panties down just so before pausing and flashing a smile at the nearest man in the audience.

His eyes locked with mine and I felt his desire, felt it rushing through me and washing over me and it nearly took me away but I found myself again, moving back to my knees and then up to standing as my fingers slid up and down my body before finding the clasp in the front of my bra.

I gave them a moment to anticipate, a moment to wish, before I fingered the clasp open and peeled the bra from my skin. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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