Trading Bodies

One minute she was on her knees. The next I was in her place.

I should have known it was all too good to be true. An old man like me had nothing to offer the hot young co-ed next door but she was all over me and promising me everything. I accepted, not knowing the cost.

This long blonde hair. This tight little body. All these curves are everything I ever wanted, but I never wanted them on me.

She gave me what I asked for, the energy and power of youth, but she gave me more than that as well. She gave me her body and her life and her desires and she took what I had for herself.

I became all woman, while she became all man.

And I’ve felt it aching in me ever since I opened my eyes and saw my new body. The pull I felt when that man was standing over me. The way my mouth watered at the sight of him ready and aching for me.

She didn’t just make me into a woman. She made me into a woman with needs.


In my darkest moments, those times that I have been at my lowest in the depths of my life, I have always responded with a calmness. A marked stillness where the world goes slow around me so that I can think and consider what is happening. This moment was no different, and this man told me the truth.

“It’s magic, clearly. I cast a spell between the two of us. An exchange where we both got what we wanted.”

“I didn’t ask for this,” I protested.

“But you did,” he insisted, “You asked for my youth and I gave it to you. The exchange was your masculinity. I wanted to be a man and you wanted to be younger. We both got what we wanted, we both gave what we needed.”

“This can’t be real,” I said, backing up and pushing away from him on hands and knees.

He didn’t fight me and he didn’t follow, he rolled back on his heels and continued his explanation, “It is. You got your youth, well my youth. You got most of it at least, I kept a little for myself since I couldn’t very well be your age and still accomplish what I wanted to accomplish. In exchange, you got my youth and my femininity. It was an equal exchange, because you can’t get something for nothing after all.”

I looked at him closely, recognizing that it wasn’t a full and complete exchange. He was somewhere in the middle of my age and his. Splitting the difference with a bit of an edge towards mine.

And I was sure that, should I look in the mirror, I’d find that I wasn’t quite as young as he once was when he was a woman. But I would also find that he was a woman and that was the part I was having a hard time adjusting to.

I stood suddenly, a blush in my cheeks as I realized that even standing I didn’t exactly tower over him intimidatingly but I crossed my arms over breasts that were perky and full and tried my best to order him without stamping my feet and looking ridiculous.

“I want to be changed back,” I insisted.

His eyes narrowed, “Are you sure that’s what you want?” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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