Woke Up A Woman

I don’t know why I’m her. I don’t know why being her feels so good.

From the moment I opened my eyes this morning nothing seemed right. The whole world seemed different, like I was seeing it through all new eyes. It wasn’t until I looked in a mirror that I realized how right that was.

She’s so beautiful, the woman in the reflection. She’s stunning and she takes my breath away. She’s me.

And it’s not just the look of her, it’s the way I feel when I’m in her skin. She makes me feel alive. She makes me feel like I’m bursting with energy. She makes me feel wanted and she makes me want.

I want to be her. I want to feel what she can feel.

Sure I’ve got questions but they can wait for another day. Sure I know I should be worried about this sudden change that came over me, but all I want is to confirm my deepest suspicions.

Because the reflection in the mirror certainly looks like a woman. The question is can she make me feel like one too?


I’m sure if I was in my old body it would have been somewhere innocent, holding me on my sides or something like that. But with my smaller frame his hands wrapped around just below my waist. No, that’s not right they fell just below my hips.

Oh who am I kidding?

My roommate, the man who had become one hell of a man over the six months we’d been living together. The guy who I was closer to than anyone else in this world. The man who had just slipped into my mind when I was bent over pleasuring myself mere moments ago, currently had his palms filled with my pert and perky ass.

I froze for an instant, the mere touch of him enough to stoke the fires that had dampened down when he’d knocked at the door of the bathroom. I wanted to move but the only movement I could make was to tremble as the world once more slowed and an eternity passed with my body pressed against his, with his hands feeling me, with my desire for him to feel even more.

And when I did regain my ability to move all I could move was my eyes. They darted up, my head tilting up so that I was staring into his face and he was looking down into my hood and it might have been dark but there was no hiding. He saw me now. He saw the new me.

I felt, for a single perfect instant, a spark pass between us. The flames of desire licking me from the inside and pushing me on to more, making me want him and need him in equal measure and making me know that denying it would only be putting it off.

I felt myself drawn to him, my lips aching to kiss him and my body aching to feel him on me. To feel those strong hands on my bare skin. To feel that weight of his hard body pressing me down and holding me while he took me again and again and again and I needed it, I needed it so badly that I nearly gave myself into it right then and there.

But Oliver was Oliver, and in spite of his new body he was no more experienced in these matters than I was. He’d had more opportunities this year than he’d ever had before, but he hadn’t pulled the trigger.

So for him, well his body reacted naturally to a beautiful woman falling on him. He stiffened for me, pulsing beneath me and roaring to life.

I felt it against my thigh and my body surged with a need to feel it. It was so intense and so powerful that I damn near gave in to it, and but for a little voice in my head I absolutely would have.

That little voice, though, told me a truth that I couldn’t deny. It told me that just last night the thought of being with a man would have disgusted me. It told me that whatever was happening here, it couldn’t be coming from me.

I was straight. I was straight and I was a man. I’d never once been interested in other men, not even men as strong and capable and close as Oliver.

My body might ache for him but dammit I wasn’t an animal. I could override those sensations and use logic. I could think my way out of a problem and dammit this was definitely a problem that I needed to find a way out of.

My muscles felt sluggish but I found my way forward. Wriggling and moving off of him I mumbled half an apology before I found my feet and slammed down the hallway. I rushed and got into my room, slamming the door behind me but hearing him all the same. His footsteps followed me until he posted up outside my door.

This wasn’t over. It was just beginning.

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