My Wife’s Ex

He walked into my home like he owned the place. Like everything in it belonged to him. Everything including her.

He was the man who broke her heart. He was her ex and when he moved away he took a piece of her with him. In the back of my mind I’d always felt like he had a strange pull on her but I’d never really understood how true that was until he walked back into her life.

From the moment he darkened our doorstep it was clear that she wanted to go right back to where they left off. I might as well have been invisible in the room, watching them flirt right in front of me and witnessing their clear need for more.

I should have stayed. I shouldn’t have left and left them alone and when I got home I shouldn’t have been so quiet as I snuck up to our bedroom and watched as they showed me everything.

Now I can’t look away and I can’t deny the pull of it. I can’t lie to myself or to her or to him.

I want this to happen, just as much as they do. I need this to happen, my desires running deeper than I ever knew. I crave this, with every inch of myself.

Because I can’t satisfy her anymore, but he can.


My fingers were white knuckle on the steering wheel and my speedometer was constantly over the limit. I barely followed the stop signs and the red lights, growling with frustration and wondering why we’d ever decided to buy a house so far from home.

And when I reached the driveway I didn’t screech to a stop or roar my engine to get in. I practically coasted, silent as could be. I could have rushed and made noise as I came in, as I unlocked the front door. Instead I was as silent as this morning for the exact same reasons.

Letting them know I was here would only give them advance warning. I wanted to catch them as they were. I wanted, at least, the honesty of seeing them just as they wanted to be seen by each other.

So I moved around the ground floor of the house and then I moved up the stairs. I heard the music that was the rhythm without rhythm and then I fell into the rhythm of it. I found them in our room, in our bed, and when I opened the door I witnessed the sight of them, the shock of daylight streaming in from the windows making absolutely certain that I couldn’t miss a single thing.

Chloe was on top of him as she had been on top of me last night, but that was where the comparison ended. Everything about the two of them was so different from the two of us.

Their skin had the same hue, the same tone. Their bodies were so different with his strong and hard with muscle and hers soft and smooth, but they matched in all the ways they were different. A compliment to one another like they filled in all the empty spaces for each other. Like they suited one another perfectly, a matching pair.

She was feminine where he was masculine. He was big where she was small. She was soft where he was hard. He was dominant where she was submissive.

Chloe was on top but he was in control, his hands moving her hips with the surety and familiarity of an old lover and a confident man. His grip was so tight that it was digging into her hips but if she was in any sort of pain she showed no sense of it.

Instead she moaned as her hips worked on him at his pace, at a pace that almost seemed lazy. Their skin had the sheen of slight effort and her cheeks had the blush of need, her nipples hard on the upturned ends of her breasts, but she wasn’t thundering into him the way she had with me last night. She didn’t have the desperation with him that she had with me.

And that was a little confusing, but as I stepped forward and they noticed me it all clicked and my questions were answered. She didn’t need to be desperate because there was no question with him that her needs would be fulfilled. He would give her everything she wanted and more, in due time and at their own pace. At the perfect time, which was the time that I entered.

Because of course it wasn’t just about them. Because they weren’t showing the signs of effort because everything had been building up to this moment. They had been waiting. They had been waiting for my return.

Chloe turned her head slowly, her eyes coming into focus on me and a dreamy smile playing across her lips.

“Hello honey,” she cooed, her voice taking on the same cruel humor that suited Rob’s so well, “Welcome home.” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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