Betting My Body

He was always bragging about everything from his money to the women he was with. I was the one who stupidly challenged him to prove it.

I’d known too many men like Sean. Cocky and cocksure, think they’re God’s gift to women. He wanted to prove it to me, and I was the one who gave him the chance.

He’s pushing my limits. He’s testing what I can take. All I have to do is hold out a little bit longer and I’ll get more than I could dream out of it. All I have to do is resist, and I’ll be the one who wins.

But the man clearly isn’t lying, he knows how to work his magic. He knows how to bend me to the point of breaking, breaking down my will and leaving me gasping on the ragged edge and begging for more.

It’s so wrong but it feels so right. It’s everything I swore I wouldn’t do but I can’t help myself anymore.

Right here in front of my husband I’m going to scream yes. Right here in front of my husband I’m going to break, going to give his best friend just what he wants.

Right here I’m going to lose it all, and I’m going to love every last minute of it.


I was actually looking forward to this. Not to fucking him because clearly that was over the line but to showing him up, to proving him wrong.

I wanted to win and I knew that it was going to happen.

Andrew assured me that Sean was a man of his word and that we didn’t need anything on paper. Sean even wrote the check for us then and there, handing it over to Andrew for safekeeping before all three of us headed upstairs to the spare bedroom.

We’d agreed that it would happen here. We’d agreed that we’d set the timer on the bedside table so that all of us could see it. We agreed that we’d start clothed, that he’d have from the moment the timer started ticking down to get in me and to get me to cum. And we’d agreed that it had to be from him. No toys, not even just his tongue and his fingers. He had to make me cum with his cock and he had to make it happen within the timeline or it didn’t count.

The moment the buzzer signaled the end, everything ended. Sean would step away and I would walk out and Andrew, who would be watching the whole time from his place in the corner, would square away the deal with Sean before showing him the door.

I wasn’t nervous. I was booming with confidence as we crossed the threshold of the bedroom and I watched Andrew set up the timer. As he set it down and I saw the easy number of ten minutes blaring out loud and large on the screen I just smiled, knowing that this would be the easiest game I’d ever won.

There was a sound like a starter pistol when the countdown clicked into gear. That sound was a starter pistol in so many ways, because Sean didn’t hesitate for a moment. He had a hell of a lot on the line, after all, and he wasn’t going to waste a second.

Coming up from behind he wrapped his arms around me and wrapped me up from the back, spinning me so quickly and pressing onto me so secure. Andrew wasn’t a small man but he paled in comparison to Sean who towered over me. And comparing the physique of the two was futile, there were barely even of the same breed.

I’d known that but feeling it surround me was something else entirely. Sean was so big and so bold and so strong, and having him wrap me up made my breath catch in my lungs and my hands press against his chest, feeling the hard and unyielding muscle beneath the surface of his shirt.

The sense of it gave me a moment’s pause. It was so sudden and unexpected that it took me by surprise and for an instant I was on the back foot, barely able to do anything but receive as his hands grasped at me and grabbed at me, pulling me into him with a ferocity that I’d underestimated.

I’d forgotten so much. I’d forgotten what it was like to feel this. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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