Body Swapped For The Job

I became his secretary to dig up dirt, becoming a woman to hide my true intentions. I underestimated how far my new boss would go to make me obey.

I’m a journalist and a damn good one, frankly. I’m known for doing whatever it takes to get a scoop and honestly taking a pill to temporarily become a woman isn’t the craziest thing I’ve ever had to do.

But I never realized how intense it could feel, in this new feminine form with all of its needs and all of its cravings. I never realized how much I missed being young and attractive, even if I was attracting all the wrong attention right now.

My subject is a monster, a dominating force in the boardroom. He’s known for his ruthless approach to everything, for cutting no corners even if that meant sacrificing every last person around him. He’s a bad man and now he has his sights set on me.

He wants me, in all of the ways that a boss shouldn’t want his subordinate. He wants to break me, to make me beg. He wants to make me his.

And each moment I spend in his presence is another moment where I swear I’m losing my ability to keep control. Every inch closer I get to him is another inch I want to give up.

I want my boss to punish me now. I want him to show me what a good girl I can be.


“You’re a fucking disappointment, Mallory. You’re a complete and utter disappointment, and here I had such high hopes for you.”

He let me go. That was all. He just let me go but it was enough to make me realize that I was entirely reliant on him for support because the moment he let me go I slipped down to the ground, sliding down until I was down on my knees and still I stared up at him as he slowly shook his head in disappointment and began to turn away.

I stopped him, reaching for him and grasping at him. The desperation welling up in me until I just couldn’t help it. I clung to his leg as he turned back to me and gave me one last chance.

“Please, Sir,” I begged him, “I don’t want to disappoint you. I want to be good for you. I want to be good. I want to satisfy.”

There was a beat, a moment where his eyes spoke before his lips did but they both said the same thing in the end.

“Prove it.”

My mind wasn’t racing. My mind was still and silent. My body, it worked on autopilot, one full month of unsatisfied cravings confused in my veins with this man and the urges of this body leading me forward as I crawled around to him and clawed at his belt, as I tugged down his zipper and yanked his pants down to his knees and my hands found him as my eyes found him and I came eye to eye with him and swallowed hard as I faced down my very big challenge.

Elias Griffon is a gifted man. He is dominant in the boardroom and a force to be reckoned with in all other places. He is large, by every possible definition. And if there is a god then he has granted him more gifts than most other men could ever hope to even ask for.

He is big, in short. Thick enough that I could barely reach my hand around it and long enough that I knew that I could never possibly hope to take all of him at once. So big it should be intimidating but instead all I could do was wonder how I could satisfy him.

Because he was a challenge, oh yes he was, but he was a challenge I was more than ready to tackle. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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