I Need To Obey

I’ve lost bets before, but they’ve never gone this far.

When he told me the price I had to pay I didn’t believe it. Dressing up like a maid and waiting on all of them? Surely he didn’t know?

He couldn’t know my secret. He couldn’t know how much I wanted this. This was just a stupid bet to him, he didn’t have any idea about my second life.

The men around the poker table only know one side of me. They only know the girl dressed in baggy clothes who swears and drinks and spits and is just one of the guys. None of them know what lays beneath, but they’re going to tonight.

In an outfit this thin and clingy they’re going to see every last inch of me. Ordered to follow their orders, there is no telling what they’ll make me do.

I’ve been in places like this before, but not with them. I’ve played games like this, but these guys were supposed to be different.

This isn’t the first time I’ve bared it all, but god is tonight going to be a night to remember.


“Sir,” I told him, my voice clipped and proper and nearly affecting an English accent, “Anything I can get for you.”

The guys had their chuckle, their laugh about things. I bit my tongue and bit the side of my mouth for good measure because I wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction.

“A beer,” Jimmy said, almost mumbling it and then when the others egged him on for more he lifted a nearby half-empty bowl of pretzels, “And more snacks.”

I plucked the bowl neatly out of his hand and damn near gave a curtsy as I walked out of the room with a bit more swing in my hips than was probably necessary and enough to cause my dress to brush against the guy who had just chastised Jimmy over the drinks on his way back into the room with beers for everyone except the host.

Once I was out of the room and alone in the kitchen I stepped quickly, not really wanting to miss things. I may not have been in the game but that didn’t mean I couldn’t watch and make mental notes of tells and the like. Frankly this was a good position to gather more information about how these assholes operated so I could use it against them at the next game, and as I searched for the pretzel bag and found something else instead I realized I just might have the perfect opportunity at hand.

So I took a little more time, wanting to wait out the next deal so that I could operate while they were more preoccupied with playing. I decided to play up and play into the maid factor, finding a little round serving tray for his beer and the bowl of pretzels and settling them on while I worked.

The guys, they’re not subtle. Subtle and quiet are two words I would never use to describe them.

So it was no wonder that I could hear nearly every word of their conversation as I busied myself in the kitchen. Well not every word but enough snippets that I could piece together that there was only one subject they wanted to talk about at the table now that I was ostensibly out of earshot.


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