Cheating on my Honeymoon

I’m supposed to be good, but I want to be bad.

Everything was perfect on paper. Honeymoon in Europe. Handsome Husband. I’d even saved myself for marriage.

I played my part. I was everything my husband wanted. Too bad he fell short for me.

Late to the train and stuck without tickets we snuck on board, only to be caught immediately. The man in charge was unsympathetic to our pleas and with jail looming on the horizon there was really only one choice, the one my husband suggested.

This can’t be real. A free pass on the train for a free pass with me? I can’t go through with this, not on my honeymoon. Not when my husband is waiting right outside the door.

But the closer I get to this handsome stranger, the easier it becomes. And when he has his hands on me, I can feel my resolve melting.

And it feels right to do something so wrong. It feels so good to be so bad.

I’m going to cheat on my husband, on my honeymoon.

But it’s all his fault anyway.


This has to be a joke. This can’t be real. This is crazy.

Who is this woman?

This isn’t my wife, my demure and innocent little wife. My naive wife who has never had a man inside her before me, whose only experience was a handful of kisses and one accidental hand job.

How did she learn to move like that?

I am entranced, following along in the wake of her like she’s cutting the only path I can walk. Drawn behind her like she’s a heavy weight on a bedspread and I am a marble tumbling down to meet her. I can’t not follow her. I need to follow her.

But this is madness. Fucking another man was never on the table and never in the cards. That joke, that damnable and stupid joke that I made that was just a joke and never meant to be taken seriously and I don’t, in any way, understand why I even said it.

I don’t want her to fuck someone else.

And yet as I follow along behind her I know that I could speak up and stop this but I can’t. I can’t put it into words and I don’t even know why I’m here and why I’m not sitting in my set while this happens, while this woman that I love and I need and I want to be mine gives her body to someone else.

All I can think of is the nightie.

White lace stained with off-white and her shocked face, blushing, at the thought and the sight and the evidence of what she’d done. My innocent little wife a little less innocent than she’d let on, a little less pure.

And now she was taking a dive off the deep end.

We pass through the divider between the cars, the world getting louder for a moment before we step into the next one and in this car it’s all walls, from floor to ceiling, and rooms running only along one side of the train. This is the sleeper car, clearly, and as Molly leads us down the aisle and us two men follow my eyes drift over to the left, spotting through the open doors the cramped but comfy-looking beds.

We stop in front of one of them.

“This will do,” the ticket inspector says, to no one in particular and all three of us at the same time, “You sit there. We’ll be in here.”

He’s pointed me at a stool sitting outside the booth, close enough that I can reach out and touch the door when I’m sitting and when it’s closed but clearly on one side of the door. Clearly on the opposite side of my wife.

“Molly-” I start, but she cuts me off with a look.

“No, Greg,” she says, stepping in close so she can hiss the words at me, “No I don’t want to hear it. This is your idea and your fault. You made us late. You made us miss our train. You suggested this as an alternative means of payment. Well fine then, I’m just doing what you told me to. I’m just obeying, that’s what you want, right?”

She’s so angry that she’s shaking, her rage burning me from the outside in. I could stop this with a word, I could beg and plead. Hell even if it meant throwing myself on the mercy of the court or pleading with this guy to give me the full punishment and spare my wife I could do that, but I don’t.

And I know why. I know the real truth. I know the reason more than anything, the reason why I hold my tongue and the reason why I can’t stop thinking of Molly’s delicate fingers wrapped around another man’s cock.

Even if I don’t want to know it, to admit it, I know.

Swallowing hard I bite my tongue and nod, chastised. As I sit on the too-small stool I don’t look her in the eye, I don’t look at him. I stare at the floor and at their feet as they step into the room and close the door behind them.

The moment they do my ears are working, sorting through the white noise of the train to find the bits of pieces of humanity here. Cutting through the grinding and shaking to find them.

If I can’t see this happen, you can be sure I’m going to hear it. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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