My Risky Gender Swap

I’m taking such a risk. One little tear on this necklace of mine and I’m her. Forever.

After another rejection in a long line of them, I’d had enough. The girl I was wanted was interested in the wrong guy. My supposed best friend had stolen my girl once again and I wasn’t going to take it anymore.

With this necklace I’ve become his dream girl. With this flimsy little choker slipped around my neck I became her, a woman who would be irresistible to him.

Maybe it’s the fact that she’s so bouncy and light or maybe it’s just the thrill of being someone else, but I’m having a lot of fun. I suspect though that it’s actually the risk, because one little tear in this flimsy little necklace and I’ll be trapped in this petite little feminine body forever.

So I’ll make the most of it and I’ll tease and I’ll tempt and I’ll enjoy every moment. I’ll make him want me and need me and then I’ll humiliate him, just like the plan says. Right?.

Yet when I’m alone with him I find I want to push the limits a little more. When he’s this close to me, I don’t want it to end so soon.

And when his hands wrap around the choker and pull I don’t know if I want him to stop.

When I’m shuddering at the edge, I don’t know what I really want anymore.


I can feel his nervous energy as his eyes flutter shut and I would giggle if I thought it wouldn’t scare him off, but I do and so I don’t. I get up on tiptoe for him and hold his cheek and tilt his head and for a moment before our lips connect my eyes are full of the sight of him.

It should be odd to me, oddly disconcerting. This man is my friend and my enemy and he is, most of all, a man. But somehow it feels so right to me, this act of kissing him. More even than any of the girls I’ve been with before. More than anyone I’ve ever kissed. I feel a draw towards him, as if the hands of fate have their palms on our backs and have been working and pushing us forward into this moment.

Then our lips connect and I know that my instincts are right because in all the kisses I’ve ever had before, none of them have ever been anything like this.

We both come to life in one another’s arms, in a way that we never have before. And I know that he’s never been with another woman but I never would have guessed that, because the way that he kisses me sets off fireworks behind my skin that make me kick up my heel and pop my leg, just like girls do in the movies.

I mewl, my confidence melting into supplication as his hands grip my shoulders a little tighter and pull me into him. Rick growls with a manly possessiveness and it makes my stomach do flip flops as I pull back for air but keep so close to him, as close as I possibly can.

“You make me feel like I’m on fire,” I confess to him, “Like I’ve never felt before. Like I never knew I could feel.”

Maybe it’s just this new body but god I don’t think so. I think it’s Rick and I don’t think anyone else could ever make me feel like this, could make me want and need quite so much.

“Touch me, Rick,” I beg him, “I need you to touch me.”

And then I’m kissing him again and my breasts are pressed up against his chest and there is too much fabric between us. It feels like I’m wearing layer upon layer and that’s probably just because I know this body can feel so much more.

But the touch of his hands as they leave my shoulders and travel up to my neck, brushing against bare skin, is enough to make me thrill with delight. And they caress the nape of my neck and move up to my chin and they’re only on the necklace for a moment but they catch just enough to remind me of its presence.

The thin strip of fabric that made me her. The little strip that could leave me as her forever if it were to break.

“The necklace stays on,” I tell him breathless through my kisses, “It has to stay intact or I’ll-“

I don’t know how much to tell him. I have this fantasy for a moment of telling him that if he tears it I’ll be stuck as Rori and him doing it in a fit of passion, ripping it and holding it clenched between his fingers and telling me that this makes me his, that this makes me his girl forevermore.

And right now, that doesn’t feel so bad. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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