Body Swapped and Obeying My Boss

Business is war and someone always loses. I never expected that someone to be me.

The man in charge of this company deserves what I’ve got planned for him and more. I would go to the end of the earth to break him, but little did I know that I was walking right into his trap.

When he offered me the choice between exposure and exile or becoming his secretary for a month it was an easy choice to make. This little pill can change who you are on the outside but not your inside self, it can never make you do something you don’t already want to do.

So why can’t I help but feel that itching need vibrating under my skin? Why do I want, so much, to submit every inch of myself to my boss’s approving glare?

It feels so good to obey him. It feels so good to satisfy him. It feels so right to be who I am right now.

His secretary. His woman. His obedient little everything.

My boss is going to teach me a lesson in what true domination is now. I’m going to love every minute of it.


God, I have to move. I have to get moving. I have to move past this or it’s going to drive me crazy.

The two minds in my body settle into one and I blink a few times to try to comprehend it. I turn to the clothes, suddenly feeling a little too exposed and suddenly a little less than interested in the body that I’m wearing and concerned, more than anything, about keeping it covered. So I pull the bra on, slipping it over my shoulders and clasping it up and adjusting my breasts in it. I slip on my panties and it’s all so mechanical and non-sexual and it’s all muscle memory. I don’t need to think about any of it but right now god I wish I could.

I wish I could think of anything but what it is that I’m thinking of because I’m trying to avoid what I’m thinking of, the blaring question that has been screaming in my mind this whole damn time.

Why aren’t I more uncomfortable?

I’m freaked out. I’m terrified and worried about everything that is happening, but I’m not uncomfortable. I move through this world as her and I find these fingers work so well. I step and I walk without an ounce of doubt in my mind and the space doesn’t feel too big or too small to me.

All of the things that I’d heard. All of the things that I’d known. All of the confessions and explanations that all those men who had taken this pill before me had said was a thing and I’m not feeling any of it and I’m trying to avoid the truth that one of them told me, the only one who had ever crossed the line and wound up in my bed.

She had said, after she’d ridden me like I was a bucking bronco and drained me of every last drop, that she had never felt so at peace as when she opened up her eyes for the first time as a woman. She’d said that it was like coming home, and she didn’t feel out of place. She said that it was when she used to be a man that she had felt out of place, and now as a woman she had no doubt she was where she was meant to be.

No. No, it isn’t that.

And I’m so sure of that, that I busy myself thinking of other things. I turn back to the one place I can turn, to the plan that I had. I think of revenge, of getting one up on Mr. Richards. I think of how I can use her mind and her memories to my advantage and when I search Cassie’s history for some information I find myself thinking of him.

Mr. Richards. So mature. So capable. So strong. So handsome.

Cassie doesn’t think that. Cassie didn’t think that. She didn’t want him she had her boyfriend and his pathetic little love of her. When she thought of Mr. Richards he was too old, too domineering, too busy business.

And yet.

My eyes flutter shut and my fingers curl against my skin. My breath goes a little quicker as I flush at the thought of him on me. My fingers search for the bra and the panties that I’ve just put on and I think of his eyes, those stern and unyielding eyes, as my skin heats up beneath my touch.

I sigh and it’s her breath but god it’s my need. The two are so unconnected as my hands run over the lacy black of my bra and cup my breast in full and that should be enough to set me off because I’m a man and I’m a fucking straight man and here I had a conquest literally beneath my fingers and it should be enough for me. I should be thinking of the future and tonight when I get to be alone in my apartment with this body, planning out just how I’m going to use it to my full advantage and my full satisfaction. Running through my Mental Rolodex and all of those girls I’d fucked who said they were bi and whether or not my bridge with them had been so thoroughly burned that I couldn’t call them back for a little bit of fun and I should be craving a feminine touch on my new feminine form. Mine or theirs, I know what I should want.

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