My Risky Swap

I took a shortcut in my journey towards health and it changed me forever.

I’ve always been the fat guy and I’ve always wanted to change that. My best friend, personal trainer to the stars, offered to help me on my journey with some one-on-one instruction but even that wasn’t enough for me. I had to try a short cut.

This pill was supposed to make me lose weight and it certainly did that, but it also changed me. It made me a woman, strong and fit and beautiful, and it made my mistake impossible to hide.

When I miss my appointment with him my friend comes to my house unannounced. He uses the key I gave him to walk right inside and he catches me. The new me.

There is no lie I can make that he will believe. He already knows the mistake I’ve made I already know how I’ve disappointed him.

So maybe I can make it up to him. Certainly this new body of mine wants to. It wants to show him just how sorry I can be.

And it wants my handsome and fit best friend to show me just how much I can take.


“What is it?” Brad asked.

I cocked my head to one side and took a step forward, not closing the distance between us entirely but reducing it a little, “Going back. It’s an odd thing. I mean…”

“What?” he asked, “What do you mean?”

“Well it’s just that I’m having a hard time finding that appealing right now,” I said, picking my words carefully, “I mean I’m in this new body and as odd as it might be it does have its draws. It’s stronger and it’s more flexible. All of the pain and all of the discomfort I felt, it’s gone when I’m her.”

“I can see the appeal,” he said, “But you’re not you right now.”

“That’s a curious statement to me. I don’t think it’s quite as easy as that. I mean if this is possible,” I gestured at my new self, “Then at a certain point you have to accept that who we are is more than the body we’re in. I think it’s a bit inevitable that we would have come to that conclusion with or without this little miracle pill, but I do believe that we are, in the end, something more than the body that we’re occupying. We’re the mind and the spirit and I still have that. I’m still me, just a me that’s different. Maybe better.”

“Better?” he asked me.

“Better in terms of fitness,” I said, “Better in terms of attractiveness.”

“Attractiveness-” he started, but I cut him off.

“Isn’t the reason to work out, but it’s a fun little bonus. And I think I am more attractive now. Don’t you think so?”

I took another step and as I did my fingers found the bottom of my sweatshirt and started to pull at it, playing at it like it was the hem of a dress.

Brad shrugged, “I’m a straight guy. My opinion on this… let’s say that it has a natural bias.”

“But it’s still an opinion,” I said, “And I’d like to hear it. Am I attractive now?”

I was close enough now that I could sense his hesitation, could feel it radiating off of him. I took a half-step back and pulled up my shirt a little, exposing just the bottoms of my new flat tummy.

“Didn’t really get a chance to get a good look before,” I mused, looking down and knowing he was looking too, “But I look like I’m in really good shape. Those are actual abs there. Soft and feminine, but actually visible. What do you think, Brad? Am I attractive?”

“Alex,” he said, obviously pained and not looking away from my abs.

“That’s probably making it hard,” I teased, “Using my name. Let’s call me Alexis instead and let’s call all of this a thought experiment. Am I attractive? Is Alexis hot?”

“Alexis,” he whispered, almost like he was in a trance, watching as I revealed more of my abs inch by inch.

“What’s wrong? Need more information to go on? You know I did get a feel of my breasts earlier and they seemed to be big and perky, but I didn’t get a good look. Should we take a good look, Brad? Should we see what the pill made me?” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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