No Way To Say No

Only one person came to my birthday, the last man in the world I wanted to be there.

Victor has been my bully for as long as I can remember. Briefly I thought I’d gotten away from him, but then he showed up to my college and it all started all over again. Because Victor is determined to make my life a living hell and lie the whole time, saying he’s here to save me from myself.

The present he’s given to me is too much to bear, but the reward if I play along is too good to pass up. One night as a woman and he’ll leave me alone forevermore. How can I say no to that?

He likes to pretend he’s doing all this for my own good. That’s the lie he says over and over again. So convincing that I’ve never been able to show anyone how much he torments me. So well spoken that even I’m starting to believe it.

So I become a woman, slim and femme and beautiful. I become her for the night, putting on the fragile necklace that makes it all possible, and I step out into his world.

Victor has plans for the girl I have become, he wants to show me another life. He wants to prove to me that he knows me better than I know myself. He wants to break me now and forever.

And I swore that I would be strong, that I would resist. I swore the last thing in the whole damn world I would do is give in.

But this body has needs and I don’t know if I can resist them anymore.


“You want me to become a woman, and then what?” I asked guardedly.

“Then?” he said, “Well then I want you to celebrate your birthday. With me. With the two of us together.”

“And?” I asked him.

“And I know the rest will fall into place from there.”

Victor grinned again, a grin of such self-assurance that I could feel the malice behind it. Unless I had the entire wrong measure of him, the man’s intentions here weren’t innocent at all.

But if I tried to refuse he’d bleat on about how expensive the gift was, and frankly a wearable SWITCH option was unbelievably expensive so I knew he wouldn’t be lying about that. And he’d keep on pressing until he got his way, until I gave in. But if I gave in early, well maybe I could set some ground rules and stand a chance of coming out of this with my dignity intact.

“I’ll agree under one condition,” I said.

“Name it,” he replied, “Anything.”

Now it was my turn to grin. Victor was cocky and he’d just talked his way into a corner. That meant that I could ask for anything and he’d pout about it, he’d make a fuss, but if he denied me then I could tell him to leave and he would.

There were rules with Victor and I’d learned them the hard way over the years. As much as he was a dick and a bully, he was also a man of his word and he’d just told me I could name anything, any one thing, and he couldn’t argue it.

So I had to choose my words carefully. I had to cover the necklace and my body. I had to keep myself intact.

“You don’t touch any part of me or anything that I am wearing unless I give you permission.”

I waited for the protest. Instead, I got an eager nod.

“Deal,” he said, snapping the jewelry box shut and handing it over to me, “You go into your bedroom and change. I’ll get everything ready out here.” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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