With the door slamming shut behind her she found herself locked out in only a towel.

She had to rush, running through the whole subdivision to get to the landlady who held the key. She couldn’t be caught, couldn’t stand the embarrassment of all her neighbors seeing her like this.

Would she be able to make it? Would she find that maybe she liked being so very exposed?


Oh why was this happening to me? My cheeks burned hot with embarrassment as I played out the whole scenario in my mind.

He’d step over just at the wrong time, just as my towel would slip loose. I’d get startled and move, falling flat on my butt as my towel fell open. He’d look down at me, lying there in full view of him.

Open. Exposed. Naked.

He wouldn’t say a word, he’d just reach down and pull me up. His hand would grab mine and he’d be a gentleman at first. He’d help me to my feet and then grab up my towel.

But that’s when it would turn for me, as it always would. Because that was when he’d drape the towel over his arm and look me up and down. His eyes would rake over me, fully exposed. I’d go to cover myself with my arms but he would shake his head no and I would burn with embarrassment. I’d go to reach for my towel but he would pull it away from me and I would know what he wanted me to do, without him having to say a word I would understand.

He’d make me turn and walk the rest of the way, completely exposed. He would see every inch of me and so would everyone else. There would be no way and nowhere for me to hide.

This all played out in my head, so real it was like I was living it. And as I ran through the steps, as my paranoid little brain played out this paranoid little fantasy, I noticed an unfamiliar sensation creeping up in me. A little voice in the back of my head biting it’s lip and saying tentatively that maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.

Maybe I’d enjoy it.

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