I wasn’t supposed to wear this outside of the house, after all who would go out wearing a dress that was almost completely see-through. Yet here I am in the mall with my boyfriend and everyone can see everything. I’m completely exposed.

I think I might like it.

Out here like this I feel a sort of freedom, even though all of these strangers staring at me is making me blush. Even though they can see every bit of me.

I can’t help it. That little voice inside of me is saying keep going. That little voice is saying go on. That little voice is telling me I have so much more to show them.


Never before had I done anything so public. Never before had I put myself quite so on display.

I didn’t know if I could get out of the car. I was sitting right now in the passenger seat wearing the sundress and a pair of flip flops and nothing else. James had sweet-talked me into going out wearing it.

I don’t know how I was going to get through this.

In and out. Nothing more or less. In my mind I was plotting out the route from where we always parked to the store. Every step was set in my mind so that there was no wasted movements.

I was so nervous getting out of the car I didn’t even register until I was out that James had parked on the complete opposite side of the mall from where we normally did. It took me a few steps to realize this also happened to mean that we were on the complete opposite side of the mall from the store I needed to go to.

From his smile I was pretty sure he did it on purpose.

I shot him a dirty look and he gave me an innocent one in return. Neither of us said a word as we walked over to the mall entrance.

Every person I passed in the parking lot felt like they were staring at me. I could feel their eyes burning holes in my clothing. I saw each glance as judgement on me, judging what it was that I was wearing and doing.

How dare she? They seemed to ask. How could she think it’s acceptable to go out like that?

But they couldn’t say anything to me. I was wearing clothes even if just technically so. I wasn’t breaking any rules and they knew it.

So I put my head a little higher, my confidence keeping me afloat as I drew closer and closer to the mall entrance.

And that was when I started to see different stares. These looks came almost exclusively from the men who I passed. Each one of them looked at me differently. Each one of them stared with hunger.

I don’t know why but for some reason it hadn’t really registered with me that these men would be looking at me and thinking of me like that. For some strange reason I’d seen my nakedness as something to be judged.

But these men were desiring me. They were taking in every inch of my body exposed in spite of the clothes and seeing me and wanting me. I thought about them fantasizing about me, thinking about how they could use me, take me, fuck me.

I felt a blush come over me. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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