Stuck At Work

I always made sure that business was kept strictly as business. It helped to keep things on track. My colleague wasn’t interested in that though, he just wanted to have a good time and while away his day flirting with the other women in the office.

Normally it wouldn’t bug me too much, but since we were both working together on this project that meant tonight was going to be a late night with just the two of us in the office. What makes that all worse is that I had intimate plans with my husband tonight, plans that I was really looking forward to.

Could he tell that there was something going on with me? Could he tell that I was distracted? Could he tell that I had a deep need to seek out satisfaction? That I was losing control of myself?


Yes to what?” he asked.

It came tumbling forth in a rush, “Yes to everything. Yes to you. Use me, fuck me, take what you want from me. I need you to fuck me. I need you to take control. I need you to satisfy me.”

He crossed the room in strides, grabbing me up in his arms and pinning me back against the wall. His lips crushed into mine and I felt his hands grip my waist.

His tongue pressed through his lips and pushed its way into my mouth. I felt him grasp me and lift me up, felt my feet lift off the ground and I moaned with the sensation of being handled by someone has forceful as him. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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