Don’t make a genie angry. They’ll make your life a living hell.

I’d made a mistake dismissing his power. Made a mistake making fun of him. He showed me in the end, cursing me and making sure that in the end I’d be the one who would look like a fool.

Everytime I sneeze, my clothing disappears.

No matter where I was and no matter what I was doing. No matter how inconvenience or inappropriate. I had to come face to face with this. I had to understand that my life was different now, and to embrace the truth of my new reality.

But could I learn to love it? Could I learn to want it? Could I learn to understand why being bared and exposed made me feel so good?

Because I want it. I want everyone to see the new me.


About two steps more and he would have witnessed it happen. Two steps more and he would have been at my window but instead he was just far enough away that he couldn’t see a thing, but close enough that I could hear him reply with, “Bless you.”

He came to the window already talking, not noticing my situation, “Now since you’re awful cooperative here and since this is a rather empty area I can cut you a break on the ticket but I can’t-”

His voice trailed off mid-sentence, and I gripped the steering wheel with both hands and stared straight forward with a blush on my cheeks. I knew what he was seeing. I knew what he was witnessing. But I didn’t have the first damn clue what to say.

Miss,” he said eventually, “I’m wondering what exactly your plan was here. You know that I’m going to have to ask you to get out of the car. I’m going to have to cuff you and bring you back to my patrol vehicle. I’m going to have to ask you to come with me.”

Yes Officer,” I said numbly, knowing that I was about to be arrested for indecent exposure.

I opened the door and felt the cuffs on me. He spoke to me, reciting something surely but I didn’t get any of the specifics of the words. I just let him lead me, let him walk me over to his car and slide me into the back seat and then I let him close the door behind me.

I was too overcome, numb with the knowledge that I’d been well and truly doomed and angry at the fact that I couldn’t get more angry about it. Angry that my overpowering emotion wasn’t anger or fear or embarrassment. Angry that my overwhelming response was to pant with need.

The Officer drove his car down the road a bit and then stopped and pulled off of it. He drove onto the lot of a factory that I know for certain was abandoned, and then I watched as he shut off his engine and got out of the car. He opened my door, reaching in to pull me out and press my body up against the side of his patrol car. I heard the click of the door closing beside me and then I looked at him, noticing for the first time that he wasn’t angry with me.

He was staring at my body, looking me up and down, admiring my form.

Now what did you think that you were doing back there Miss?” he asked quietly, his voice a low and gruff gravel.

I don’t know Officer,” I replied.

He didn’t seem to accept this, stepping into me a moment so that I could smell the mint on his lips, “Were you trying to get out of a ticket by seducing me?”

There were a few options I could take here. I could tell him the truth, curse and all, and he wouldn’t believe a word of it. I could tell him a lie, that it was all an accident, and he wouldn’t believe a word of it. Or I could play into the preconceived notions he had about me, tell him that I’d done this because I wanted him. Tell him that I did this because I needed him.

And that last one wouldn’t be entirely a lie. It would be a half-truth because my body did want him. My body did need him.

Would that have worked Officer?” I asked, batting my eyes at him and pouting, “Could I have changed your mind about that ticket?” are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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