My ex said I was boring. My best friend set out to prove him wrong.

I’ve always been the type of girl who enjoys staying home and watching cat videos in my comfy blanket, but when Greg dumped me because I was too boring I was forced to contend with the possibility that maybe I was. Lucky for me Mandy was there to pick me back up, and rather than let me wallow she’s going to push me out of my comfort zone.

Getting me in shape and getting me out there. Out there in ways I’d never possibly imagined.

Mandy is wild and I’m right there with her. Exposed in this party and completely bared. So many men around me with so much hunger.

I’m on full display, and I want to be used.


Rushing down them and into the party and noticing immediately that everything is not as I thought it would be, because I was not the only one exposed here.

The women were exceptionally easy to pick out because they were the ones dressed just like me. Every single woman attending this party had on a mask and nothing else. They were strutting around between the men who were vying for attention, staring at the feast of flesh on display.

And taking tastes of it for themselves.

You couldn’t look anywhere without seeing some couple getting closer. Touching and caressing, embracing and kissing, pulling partners onto couches and little hidden spots. Getting closer than I’d ever imagined possible out here like this. So exposed.

I couldn’t help the thrill in my body and I couldn’t help the way I responded to it. I couldn’t help but crave that touch, that embrace. I couldn’t help but chase it like I needed it because I so did need it.

And I couldn’t help but notice the staggering imbalance in the demographics of the room. The fact that there were far more men than women. At least five to one.

When I took my first steps into the room I felt hands reach out for me. Their touch was rough and coarse, their press on my skin hard and firm, and the more they touched me the more I forgot my purpose.

The more I lost myself to the moment.

A man stepped in front of me, a stranger. A complete and utter stranger who I regarded with curiosity and then reached for.

It was me that pulled him down to kiss me. It was me that pressed my body into his arms and felt the firm touch of him around me. Felt him come to life against me as I came to life from his touch.

A new life. A life far freer.

Someone else took me away from him, peeling me off of my strange lover and pulling me gently over to one side of the room. I let them lead me, I left all worry and concern aside as I let them control me fully.

Pulling me down to a couch and feeling myself pressed against another body. Another body that was firm and hard and undeniably powerful, that was imposing that power on me and making me thrill with the feel of him.

My hands kneaded against the firm press of his chest and slipped over his shoulders, pressing into them and feeling the muscle flex and respond in turn. He was so big and strong, he reminded me of all of those men in the gym.

Watching me then, maybe even watching me now.

Maybe those men are here. Everyone is wearing masks it could be any one of them that I’m with. Everyone here is perfect strangers, and strangers don’t need to worry about the consequences of their actions.

I felt the press of the couch behind me and the crush of the man on me and I felt him peel one of my hands off of his chest and press it down between our bodies. He slid back, still kissing me as he worked my hand into his pants and I gasped at the feel of his hard and hot thickness pressing against my palm. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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