My Wife And Her New Man

I didn’t mean to imply that she wasn’t attractive, because I always found her gorgeous. She had been well out of my league the entire time I’ve known her, and I’ve always felt that I was blessed to have her in my life.

My wife Lizzie is remarkable, beautiful and intelligent and successful. She’s my better in every single way, and even though age had softened her and given her more curves she was still gorgeous.

I was the idiot who made her second guess herself.

She never did anything with half-effort, and getting back into shape was exactly the same thing for her. She worked out hard, dropping pounds and tightening her body until she looked just the same as the day that I first met her. Better than that even.

And she got her own secret along the way.

Everything just lined up so perfectly that I knew she had to be cheating. She only talked about her trainer when she was with me, and when we were together in the night our love making was focused, it was changed. 

Now I’m following her because I have to know. I have to know whether or not my suspicions are true. I had to know whether she had betrayed our wedding vows, and peeking through this window is only confirming my worst nightmare.

Her and him together, their bodies hard and tight. They’re together and they’re not working out, what they’re doing is decidedly more intimate than that.

And me? I can only kneel there watching. I’m frozen and I can’t look away as she begs him for more and confesses truths that I never knew I needed to hear.


I went from window to window around the house, peering into darkened windows and empty rooms. The main window showed me his roommates relaxing and watching TV, each one of them just as big as Chad.

I made my way around to the back of the house, each room diminishing my hope that I would find them. I pictured a scenario where I went through all of this effort only to find out that they’d gone out for a run or something like that, that everything was innocent and my suspicion was completely unwarranted.

Of course, that didn’t hold up in light of the truth.

When I got to the room at the very back of the house I found myself next to a sliding glass door. The door was open, the screen shut, giving me a full view of the inside of the room as well as an ability to hear everything that was happening.

I saw her in there, on her knees and doing something that was decidedly not chaste or anything close to a traditional workout.

She had his cock in her mouth, her head bobbing as she knelt before him taking it. His hand had gathered her hair up behind her head, holding it there so that he could see absolutely everything as she inhaled him.

There was no hesitation on her, she worked with him with the same lust that she showed for me. Lizzie wanted to be there, wanted to give him her body. She wanted him to take her.

“Yeah suck it, bitch,” he grunted, shorts around his ankles, “Do you like my cock?”

He was big, bigger than me by far. His cock was long and thick and hard, and even with it disappearing between her lips I could tell that he was enormous.

“Yes baby,” she moaned with his meat in her mouth, “It’s so fucking thick and so fucking long.”

There was a desperation in her voice and her actions. It must have been less than a minute from the time she entered the house to the time she was on her knees taking his cock like a whore. I couldn’t believe it, though I’d expected her to be cheating I’d never expected this.

Lizzie was submissive to him, her eyes big and wide and staring up at him with admiration. His hips were thrusting forward to bury his cock in her mouth and still she was hungrily gobbling it up. She was submitting herself to him fully, letting him have her.

“Is it bigger than your husbands?” he crowed with a grin on his face.

This was their game, humiliation and submission. How long had it been going on? How long had he spent making her his?

“Oh yes baby,” she told him breathlessly, his cock hovering right in front of her lips, “There’s no contest at all. You’re so much bigger than him. More of a man in every single way.”

This was why she was doing this. This was why she was giving herself to him.

Lizzie had always wanted a real man, she told me so on that first night we spent together. Chad looked like an asshole and a prick but he was a real man in her eyes, more than I had ever been. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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