Trained By My Boss

He made me into a woman to teach me a lesson. He made me into his woman to teach me to obey.

Just out of college and with an ego the size of a small planet I was bound to upset people. I’d pushed away all of my friends, anyone who knew the real me, and I didn’t care one bit. I was being my best self after all, or so I thought.

When I made a fatal error at work in front of the CEO I have no choice but to throw myself on his mercy, and he offers me a retreat of sorts to make amends and learn my place in the world.

One weekend away with just the two of us. I have no choice but to obey him. He’s going to show me how.

With a simple little pill he makes me into a woman. He bends me over and he ties me down and he shows me what an order really looks like. He shows me how to obey.

And I want to, I want to give him every inch of myself. I want him to feel me and to please me. I want to get on my knees and beg for more.

Because this isn’t about my job anymore, this is about learning my place in the world. Ground under his heel and supplicating myself to him. Giving myself to his every whim is the only way I can feel alive.


The changes came on immediately, a shaking tremble that turned into a raucous roar. It felt like an earthquake with the epicenter in my belly, great rushing waves running through me and making me tense and flex over and over again.

Making me gasp, making my vision go blurry. Making my body seize as a warmth spread through me quickly and overcame me to the point where I felt nothing but that searing heat as it bubbled beneath my skin.

And as I looked down I swear I could see actual bubbling beneath my skin, my body shifting in waves as my very genetic code was rearranged.

I guess I always thought in some way that the pill might just be a metaphor. Might just be about me giving up on my masculine ways.

But there in that chair, I knew that it was true. I knew that I was changing and I could feel it and see it. Through the haze of the moment, I became someone new, and that person wasn’t anything like me.

It felt like it took an eternity but it was over in an instant and I was done, gasping and clenching the arms of the chair. I stared down at my arms first, the forearms more slender, the fingers more delicate than they had been before.

Then beyond that to my thighs, thin and tapered and slim.

The space between them was the last place I looked, my eyes widening as I noticed the slit that had replaced my cock and I realized that this was no illusion or metaphor. I had been remade.

“Oh god,” I whispered, my voice high and light, “Oh fuck it’s real.”

“Yes,” he said, standing above me and staring down at me, “Welcome to the other side.”

I looked up at him, seeing him staring down at me with that cold hunger and steely resolve. I took in the firmness of him as he towered above me, the way he possessed and occupied the room rather than merely existing in him.

All of a sudden his cold demeanor felt like an affront. It felt like a failing of mine. With nothing left to hold me back, my first thought was breaking him and reaching the warm man I knew was inside.

My first thought was what did I need to do to make him want me.

Because here in this body it somehow felt like there was no need to hold back, to play games. Here in this body, it felt like I could embrace those feelings that had been thrilling and confusing me since that meeting in his office. Here in this moment, I felt like I could realize the fullness of our relationship.

“Now will you be good if I let you up?” he asked.

“Yes Sir,” I promised, “I’ll be good for you.”

My brow furrowed and I saw him raise an eyebrow. I bit my lip slightly and I saw him re-evaluate the situation.

And I saw him adjust himself as he pushed himself towards me. Angling his body and taking his steps carefully. I knew that walk and I knew those movements because of course up until now I had been a man just like him. I knew that secret he was hiding.

He was getting hard.

Hard for me, the thought of it thrilling to me. I didn’t know what I looked like but it must have been spectacular to get a man like this to desire me. A man who could have any woman he wanted, and he chose me.

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