Transformed Into A Woman

The fair promised to change your world. I had no idea it would change me like this.

Life is not great for me in this small town. My only friend is leaving and I’m losing my connection with the last person that I actually care about. This fair is our last celebration, our final moment together before he hits the open road.

I’m looking at myself in the mirror but I don’t recognize the reflection. There is a woman staring back at me, beautiful and alluring. When I raise my hand she raises hers and I realize that I have become her.

One wrong turn and everything changed. He found me doubled over and barely able to clear the fog in my head. He takes me home, the man who is supposed to be leaving. He takes care of me one last time.

He knows me. When I go out to talk to him there is no unfamiliarity in his words. I’m still me to him, just a feminine version of myself.

And I see in his eyes a look that I recognize only now. I’ve seen it in my eyes before. I’ve known that look for so long but never realized what it meant.

He loves me, and I think I love him back.


So many feelings, all of them confused.

Only one way to resolve them.

This was the timeline I was in. This was the timeline that made it happen. His dream and mine coming together in perfect harmony.

Maybe that fair had it right all along.

“Not yet,” I said to him, “I think it might just get in the way.”

“Get in the way?” he asked me, his head turning up as I stood.

“Yes,” I said to him, “Right now I think less is probably better.”

I moved to him, my heart beating rapidly as I walked to him. As a woman walks to a man. As a crush walks to their object of affection.

His body was tight, his nerves rigid and vibrating. He knew what was happening but couldn’t believe it.

Not until I moved onto him, straddling his lap and pressing my hands against his firm chest to push him down into the chair and press my lips against his.

Jack was stiff as a board and he was frozen as I kissed him. I wasn’t the most skilled of lovers under the best of circumstances but under this one, I didn’t have any experience whatsoever to draw from. I thought I did a good job of things though, but though I could feel the need bursting through his body I sensed him holding back.

I pulled back and looked at him, a question unspoken but written on his face as I looked down at him.

“I don’t want this just to be because I’m leaving,” he said, “I… I love you but I don’t want this to be out of pity or out of-“

With a press of my index finger against his lips, I silenced him.

“Sometimes people can be blind,” I said, “Sometimes they can’t even understand what they’re feeling until something shocks them out of it. I don’t know what happened tonight but I can promise you this isn’t for the wrong reasons. I know you’re leaving but I want to do this Jack.

“And even if it is to be a goodbye then let’s make it a good one. Let’s not leave things unsaid and undone just because the timing is unfortunate. Let’s embrace this moment wholeheartedly. Let’s dive in with both feet.”

I kissed him again and this time he kissed me back. His body coming to life beneath me. He kissed me with all of himself, with his heart and his soul as he gave himself over to me.

Jack was on me in an instant, hands on the small of my back and then pulling me into him as I squealed. I felt it inside of me, the thrill of his touch and his need for me. It made me feel wanted and loved for the first time in my life.

With a thrust, he picked me up into his strong and capable arms. He moved me back and we fell onto the couch with him on top of me, his weight secure and stable and comforting above me.

Our hands moved over one another’s bodies, making quick work of the clothing that we wore. We were nearly frantic as we pulled it from one another, baring each other to our bare fingers.

And each time we had to break our kiss from one another we returned with an urgent fervor. We dove into one another, drinking deep of the affection of our lovers.

I had his jeans open and halfway down his legs when he peeled my panties down my thighs and left me bare. He moved with them, his lips tracing a trail down my body as he went.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” he said to me, “How long I’ve craved you. I can’t help it, lord knows I’ve tried. I can’t forget you. I can’t get you out of my head.”

I made to speak but his lips finished their journey between my legs and all I could do was moan as he tasted me. Giving himself to me fully and with his full attention, his tongue slipping up and down my sex as his fingers moved into me to fill me with them. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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