I Need To Be Her

Sitting up here they keep turning to glance at me. They can’t look away from me and I know their thoughts are anything but chaste. I’ve never felt this way before, never been looked at like this. Then again this is the first time I’ve ever been a woman.

Home from college for the summer and needing a job I found only one opening that would take me. Lifeguard to a private club, watching over the pool all day long. The only problem is that the opening says only women should apply.

I’m the only woman here. I’m the only one in this whole room. All these hungry and eager men turning their attention on me, and I can’t help my cravings.

Fate was with me today. A fortunate creation in the lab at school gave me my way forward. One little pill and I could become just the person for this job. I could change into a woman and make the money I needed to get back out of this town.

These cravings are so strong, they’re like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Each time I close my eyes I feel the hands of all those men on my body.

Touching me. Feeling me. Taking me. Satisfying me.

I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.


“It’s a pity you didn’t get to swim,” he said, “Must have been boring up in that chair all day.”

I looked at him, seeing a fire behind his piercing eyes and knowing on some level that he’d done the math just like I did. That we both knew that right now we were alone and that anything could go.

“I made my own fun,” I said, “Up here in my head. Playing out all sorts of scenarios.”

“Scenarios?” he said, “I’d love to know what those scenarios entailed exactly.”

He took another step forward and I bit my lip. I leaned back into the car and gave a little stretch, feeling my breasts pressing at the fabric of my suit, feeling my nipples standing out hard in the chill air around us.

“Oh, a lady has to keep her secrets,” I coyly replied, “I’d hate for you to think me indecent.”

“Still it is a pity,” he said, “Maybe tomorrow I could fake a drowning so you have an excuse to jump in the water. I’d love to see you get all wet.”

“Who says you’re not seeing that right now?” I replied, shocking even myself at my boldness but knowing the moment he closed the space between us that it was absolutely the right thing to do.

I don’t think that Mike gave a damn about the privacy. From the feel of him on my body, I think he would have been more than happy to have me right there in that lifeguard stand in front of everyone.

He was just so goddamn eager, so goddamn focused on me. His hands felt like they were everywhere and his lips were on mine so sudden and severe that I felt my heart pounding, felt my breath catch in my throat.

Pressing me up against the car behind me, holding me there tight and intense. Holding me there unable to move, unable to escape him.

Unable to do anything but feel him feeling me.

His hands were on my hips, holding me back and holding me there. His lips opened and mine parted in time and felt his tongue slip past my defenses, playing on my own and stirring the pot of desire and fantasy within me.

Vaguely I realized this was it. I was barreling through all of those objectives and crossing off all of those items on a checklist that had long been denied to me.

My first time holding hands? I think we were past that by now. My first kiss? God, it was that and so much more. My first time making out? My first time feeling someone else on my body? My first time doing so much more?

All of those were tumbling down like dominoes.

I knew there was no stopping now. I was going to do this and nothing was going to stop me.

My hands kneaded at his firm chest and I found the buttons doing up his shirt and began to flick them open. He growled at my exploration, at my unspoken signal that this wasn’t going to stop at lips.

As I opened the final button he pulled me into him, his warm skin filling my palms as I felt his hands slip down and cup and squeeze my ass.

“Oh yes,” I moaned as his lips moved down to the nape of my neck, “Oh fuck yes.”

His hands were full of me and mine were full of him.

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