Breaking My Vow

I’m standing in the same room where I spent the first night with my husband, but he’s not here. Instead there are three of them, three powerful men. His best friends. His worst enemies.

I don’t know whether my husband loves me or just loves the idea of me. I know that he doesn’t trust me. He rules my life with an iron grip, threatening anyone who gets too close out of some worry that I’m going to stray the moment I’m alone with another man.

They told me what he was doing. They showed me how he’d controlled my whole life. I’m done letting my husband pull the strings. He’s worried I’m going to cheat? I’ll give him something to worry about.

I was never given a choice, so now I’m taking it. I’m making my demands and they are all going to obey. His three friends as I demand that they take me, satisfy me, pleasure me. My husband as I demand that he sits there and watches.

It feels like victory, being suffocated in their arms. Three hard bodies surrounding me and reaching for me, battling each other to claim me for their own.

Their hands are rough and hard. Their breath is short and ragged. Their need is insistent and dominant and it feels so good to finally give in.

Three years of pent up frustation. I’m not holding back anymore.


Rugged and masculine. Salty and a bit earthy. The scent of him filled my nose and the feel of him on my body was so dominant now that he had found his comfort and his power.

Two hands grabbed my wrists and filled my palms with thickness. Hard and long and aching for release.

I stroked automatically, letting Bruce trace a trail of kisses down my neck and over my collarbone. I let him feel my eager body, tracing lines of fire in the wake of his touch while my hands ran up and down two shafts.

Both of them were naked, I could feel it. I could feel their bare skin pressing against mine. I could feel their cocks against my palms, the heat of them so potent that it was impossible to ignore them.

Not that I wanted to. I wanted to and could live forever in this moment. I could live an eternity frozen in this moment of riotous pleasure. Everything surrounding me like I was in the eye of a tiny hurricane where the edges of my being were buffeted by winds so forceful that they left my skin raw and exposed.

They had enough of teasing pleasure. They wanted more.

I felt someone tugging at my pants. Someone else peeled my bra and my panties off. Another pressed me down to my knees, making my naked body kneel subservient before them. Supplicating myself to their power.

And then they stepped in, rising up above me as I found their cocks once more and stroked them in perfect time.

Xander and Bruce were so tall above me. Towering up hard and fearsome. I took in the sight of them, gasping with the sudden lack of lips on mine. I memorized the hardness of their body, the wide flats of their pecs and the hard bulges of their shoulders. The toned and cut ridges of their abdomens. The tight tautness of their waists.

These were men who lived in the gym. Men who knew that power came from so many places but that the power of raw natural strength was something that always had a use. To intimidate and make your demands heard. To utter the implicit threat of violence without ever having to raise your hand.

They were no less and no more built than my Ben. But the fact that there was so much of them here and the fact that I knew they didn’t have that core bit of insecurity he had made them somehow more worthy of my respect and admiration.

Well maybe not that.

I wasn’t about to fall in love tonight. It wasn’t about falling in love tonight. It was about a mutual acknowledgment of power, and equal work towards equal gain.

We were all getting two things out of tonight. The first was power over Ben. The second was an unmitigated pleasure and the culmination of something that should have probably happened years ago.

But one man was still holding back. One man wasn’t here.

I looked past Xander and Bruce to the man standing by the door. The man bigger than both of them and the one who rarely ever spoke, who rarely ever acted, who only did so with a deliberate focus towards a goal.

I looked towards Cole and raised one eyebrow, challenging him to come forward and join his friends. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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