I Want To Be A Woman

Being her is all I’ve ever wanted.

I’ve been strong, but I’ve been weak. I’ve gone out as her, but I’ve always held back. Every time a guy gets close I keep my secret and I run, but that isn’t an option anymore.

I made this wish. This wish to truly be her.

Now when I look in the mirror I see only the woman I’ve always wanted to be. She’s begging for me to entertain her, to see how much her beautiful and curvaceous body can give. To see how much it can take.

And I want to know what it’s like on the other side now. I need to know what it feels like to go all the way. Not to peel those strong hands off my body but to let them roam. To let the man I’m with have all of me.

Exhilarating. Enthralling. The attention I’m getting I’ve had before but this time there is a difference. This time I’m not going to run. This time I’m going to let him have all of me.

Now nothing is holding me back.


“Sweetie,” she said, “I’m real. This is real. You might not be a princess, but that doesn’t make you any less deserving.”

She reached forward, holding out her hand for me. I stared at her delicate fingers and tentatively my own hand reached out to touch her. She felt cold as chilled glass but the warmth came afterwards as her hand closed onto mine and she pulled me out of my closet, twirling me around her as I spun in an intricate dance.

I could feel the fabric of my dress, of my underwear, on my skin. I could feel the rush of the air around me, heating up and seeming to press on me. I could feel my hair swirling around me, alighting on my shoulders and kissing my skin as I spun and felt a shiver travel through my body.

It ran down my spine and where it should have stopped it kept on going. It ripples out through my limbs and rebounded, pressing back on me and shuddering under my skin moving faster and faster until it was rushing through me and I could feel it. Really feel it. Not just imagining it but feeling it instead, my actual skin rippling in time to the twirl that she was putting on me until finally her grip loosened and I tumbled down, falling lightly to the ground and gasping as the ripples slowly ebbed.

I felt different. It was hard to explain how different I really felt. I still felt like me, like Juliet. But more like I did when I bought a new outfit and it felt so good on me. It hugged my body and made me feel renewed.

Turning slowly I looked up at her and saw her shimmering and literally glowing above me as she bent down and smiled.

“All done,” she said.

“Done?” I asked her, “What did you do?”

She held out her hand once more and this time with more trepidation I let her take my hand in hers. I let her help me to my feet and turn me, leading me over to the mirror where I saw my reflection.

The changes were subtle. I was still wearing the same makeup but I was wearing less of it and it settled on my face more naturally. I was still wearing the same outfit but it sat on my body better, fitting curves that hadn’t been there before and curves that rose and fell with my breath. I knew what had changed. I knew what she’d done, even if it couldn’t be possible.

“You made me…” I said breathlessly.

“No,” she corrected me, “You made you. You made Juliet come to life. She is a design all your own, your hand on the brush making the strokes of her. You designed her, all I did was make your dreams come true.”

“Then I’m-“

“You’re her,” she said, “In every way. You’re her absolutely, from head to toe and in and out. Juliet, you’re a woman now.”

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