Cam Girl Surprise

They thought I was a girl, so I pretended to be one. Bit by bit their demands grew, and there is only so long before I have to give my fans what they want.

I was desperate. I needed money. That’s how mistakes happen. I signed up for the cam site but I screwed up my account and clicked the wrong button. I set myself up as a woman, and I was shocked when I found out that all those men bought the lie.

I’ve always been slight and petite and feminine. It’s not the first time that I’ve been mistaken for a woman, but it’s the first time I’ve gone along with it. I’m in too deep to back out now, and I know that things are only going to get worse.

Because he contacted me asking for a private show. He wants to see every last inch of me and he wants me to show it all to him. With a simple pill I can become what he thinks I am. I can be the girl he needs me to be.

My real world and my lie are about to collide and the explosion is going to transform me in more ways than I can imagine.


“God, you’re more perfect than I could have imagined.”

I felt a flush in my cheeks, embarrassment and thrill at his response to me. My hands teased at my panties, pushing them lower and lower on my hips and wondering why this was thrilling me so much.

I’d gone into this with the idea that it was a good financial decision. I was in it to make money and I could justify it all from that perspective, thinking of things in strictly dollar values.

But face to face with this now, I can’t deny it was something else that kept on pushing me forward. I wanted him to watch me. I wanted to be seen. I wanted to be her.

Because being her made me feel good and showing off for him, it made me feel witnessed in a way that had never been the case when I was a man. I loved being Riley and wouldn’t want it any other way.

I pressed lower on my panties, slipping them down until they were just covering the mound of my new sex. Staring directly into the camera I addressed my words to my sole audience member.

“Do you just want a dance? Or did you have something more in mind?”

The husky tone of my voice surprised me. The racing of my heart made me hope for more from him. I watched with anticipation as the message came up that he was typing, then as his words appeared in the chat.

“I want to watch you play with yourself. I want to see how beautiful you are when you cum.”

I swallowed, hard. There was no hesitation and I practically thrust my panties down in my rush to get them off.

Falling back down to the bed behind me I fell fully, then sat up flushed and giggling. My hands teased at my legs as I pulled my feet up and placed them on the edge of the mattress. I kept my knees locked together for a moment, peering around the side of them, before spreading them slowly and slipping my hands around to the inside of my thighs.

“Believe it or not I don’t do this a lot,” I said, truthful though maybe not for the reasons he thought, “I need you to be patient for me.”

“I’ll be as patient as you need,” he replied, “Play for me, baby.”

I kept my eyes open. I kept my eyes locked on the camera. I slid my hands down and over my mound, cupping it for a moment, for the one last moment before I pressed on and pushed past this barrier.

There was a part of me that knew this would change everything, that same part of me that was hesitating so much. When I felt it, when I knew with absolute certainty how good it would feel as her, I knew there would be no coming back from that. I knew that it was a craving I’d feel within myself, one that I’d never be able to let go of and one that I’d never be able to forget. I knew, truly knew, that this was going to change things.

But I couldn’t help myself and I certainly couldn’t stop when I’d come so close. I spread my fingers and teased around the outside of my sex, slipping around to tease over my clit so quick and so brief but the shock of it made me gasp, made a blushing flush start to spread over the tops of my breasts and made my breath come in ragged and shocked gasps.

The light in my eyes, absolute delight, as I felt the shockwave rush through me. The way my body tightened so briefly but so intensely. The way the whole of me reacted so ready for more. I could only press on. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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