My Wife The Escort

From the shadows I watched as she flirted. I watched as she gave this stranger every inch of herself. I watched as she sold her soul.

For as long as I’ve known her, I’ve known that my wife can turn heads. More beautiful and charming than any person I’ve ever known it makes sense that men would be willing to pay money to be with her. I just never thought she would agree.

She never told me what she did for a living, I had to find that out for myself. Stalking along in the darkness behind her and watching as she pretended to love him. Flitting about this fancy party on his arm as if he’d won her, but all he’d done was pay for her company.

And the later the hour got, the closer they got. As the minutes ticked by and the end of the evening loomed I knew what came next. I knew she’d be up in his hotel room before long and I knew what she would give to him I knew that I hated it, but more than that I knew that I hated myself.

Because I could stop this at any moment but I’m not going to.

Because instead I’m going to watch.


Everything was out of control. It was a car spinning on black ice, no matter how I jerked the wheel or what I did with the pedals there was no response on the other end. All of it was beyond me now and I was a passenger as I watched it happen.

I wanted to apologize to her. I should have apologized to her. Calling her a whore hadn’t been my intention, because even if she was getting paid to give her body to someone else I should have been better than that.

Because in spite of everything I still loved her.

Quite beyond even my own understanding I found that as I sat there in front of her and her simmering anger washed over me I only loved her more. She’d always been like this, strong and in charge, and that inclination of hers had been a large part of the reason why I loved her and the reason why she could make me coo with satisfied need.

But this version of her now wasn’t simply in charge. It was dominant and aggressive and judgemental and in spite of myself, I found that I was only drawn to it. Speechlessly watching as she stepped back away from me and sneered with disrespect.

“Answer me,” she said, “What do you want me to be?”

My mouth opened and closed a few times but no words came out. I stared mutely at her, my eyes flickering past her to her date for the night as he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

Whatever power had seized me in the hotel bar was gone now. My cheeks burned with humiliation and I saw her eyes stare down at me, watched as she lifted her foot up and placed it deliberately onto the seat of the chair between my legs. Her heel was so close to my aching cock.

And she leaned in a little closer, the neckline of her dress plunging to put her cleavage on display as she whispered to me so certainly, “I think we both know what you want tonight.”

“Is everything okay Eve?” her date asked from behind her and it took me a while to realize that Eve was my wife.

She’d used a different name for the night. A different name for a different man and a different name for the woman she became when she took on these jobs.

Because she both was and wasn’t my Marie. She was someone else, a fire in her eyes that had been simmering before but was roaring with intensity now. She was alight and alive with her power, getting off on putting me in my place.

I had to admit that I felt the same way. are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Each time you click on a link to from this site we make a small commission. For more information about this program please see our Legal Details page.
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