I Need To Taste Him

She made me a woman. She set an ultimatum.

She believes that I’ve wronged her and so she’s out for revenge. Turning me into the last thing in the world I ever thought I would be and then setting me a task. If I want to go back to being a man then I need to get on my knees and satisfy the first man I lay eyes on. Fully satisfy him and swallow every last drop as proof.

Just my luck that man would be my boss. An unrelenting perfectionist who would never in a million years break his morals and cheat. If I want my life back, I’ll have to do the unthinkable.

Why couldn’t it be anyone but him? Why did it have to be this man, the last man in the world who would want a girl like I’d become? I don’t know how I’m going to possibly convince him to let me taste him.

But when I’m in his office I find that he is not the man I think he is. Still cold. Still calculating. Not nearly as good.

No he sees a woman like the one that I’ve become as an opportunity to corrupt. And to my utter shock, I see a man like him as someone I want to please.

All of a sudden I feel it, like a switch turned in my head. I know what I need to do.

I just didn’t know that I’d love it so much.


“What are you doing here?”

My mouth opened and then closed again. Nervously my fingers plucked and twisted at the bottom of my jacket.

“Who put you up to this? Is this some sort of test?”

Did he have enemies? Was he expecting someone to try to get something from him? He knew this was a game, but he didn’t know the rules or objectives and I could sense his frustration.

“Oh fuck,” he said slowly, like a slow exhale. The fact that he swore shouldn’t have shocked me but it did. It was a side of him that I’d never seen before, “You’ve pledging, aren’t you? Some sorority put you up to this? Some sort of pledge test? Right?”

I didn’t have a lie, none that would really work for me. His lie was as good as any I could think of so I nodded, hoping that he would buy it.

“Okay,” he said slowly, talking as if he was being very careful, “Now I need you to tell me something and I need you to be truthful here. Did they send you to me specifically? Or did they just say you had to do this to a Professor?”

My mind searched for the right answer. It was a toss-up and I didn’t know… I took a guess.

“Anyone,” I said, instantly cursing myself and worrying that the other option would be better, “I just had to… I had to get a Professor and… and… and a photo as proof.”

His eyes narrowed, “Then why me?”

Thinking quickly I found my answer, “You were the only one in the building and I need this tonight.”

That might have shored up my worries, but he wasn’t buying it and I knew it. He contemplated for a second and he turned and walked around his desk. He stepped over to me and I waited for him to grab my arm and pull me out and lock the door behind me.

I closed my eyes and winced, waiting for the moment. I shook and trembled.

This man was a professional. This man was married. This man would never risk everything he had and I’d played this all wrong and I didn’t know how else I could have played it and I didn’t know how else I could have-


The sound of the door closing behind me.


The sound of the latch locking shut.


The sound of his feet as he turned and stepped up behind me, as he held back for an instant before he whispered in my ear.

“Let’s get you that photo then, miss. Let’s get you down on your knees.”

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